Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Arvis. I descend from the crusaders Fjalar and Maera.

私はアルヴィス。 炎の聖戦士ファラと 聖騎士マイラの血を受け継ぐ者だ。

Castle[ | ]

This world is beautiful indeed. But it bears little resemblance to the world I'm building—one founded on ideals.

この世界は美しい… だが、私が追い求めた 理想の世界とは異なるものだ。

The world I came from is on the verge of a new era. It's engulfed in war... But not for long, I think.

私のいた世界は、今変わりつつある。 各地で戦乱が起きているが、 それもじきに終わるだろう…

You're always rushing here and there. Your life is fraught with hardship—I suppose we have that in common.

雑事の途中か… 貴公もなかなかの苦労人のようだな。 ふっ、それはお互い様というところか…

Ideals never become reality without sacrifices... Sacrifices only a few could ever countenance.

理想を成すために犠牲はつきものだ。 たとえそれが、 人の道を外れて見えたとしても…

I dealt with the usurper—I had no choice. To build a just world, Sigurd had to die.

私は王家の簒奪を謀った 反逆者シグルドを討伐した… 我が理想のため…あの男を殺した。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I am Arvis. I was sent as an envoy of 【Friend】.

私はアルヴィス。 【Friend】の 使者としてこちらへ参った。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Any who stand in my path will be burnt to cinders!

我が道を塞ぐ者は 炎に焼かれることになろう!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

I must grow stronger.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

Completely unacceptable!

馬鹿な…! このようなことは信じぬ!

Ally Growth[ | ]

I'm a champion of the people— like the crusaders before me.

私に流れるのは、 人々のために戦う聖騎士の血。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

How do you envision this world? What form do you think it should take, 【Summoner】?
Cast aside trifles, like who won or lost yesterday's battle. What are your plans for shaping the world?
You understand what I'm getting at, don't you? People like us...we have the power to change the world.
Your abilities are remarkable. Understand, then, that I believe it is your duty to guide this world.
I, myself, will not stop until I can return to my world and mold it into its ideal form.
For the sake of that task, I ask you: What sort of world would you like to see? I must hear your answer.

【Summoner】、 貴公はこの世界をどう見る? この世界のあるべき姿は何だ?
戦の勝敗のような小事ではない。 この世界をどう変えるつもりか… それを問うている。
そうだ、世界を変えるのだ… 大それた事とは思わぬ。 私や貴公にはその力がある。
私は貴公を認めている。 世界を正しい姿に導くことは 力ある者の責務だ。
私も、私が成すべきことを果たすまで。 元いた世界で、 理想の世界を実現させる…
そのためにも、知りたいのだ。 貴公が望む世界を。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I sentence you to death.
For a better world.
Opposing me is treason.
Hellfire upon you!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Deirdre, Julia...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
You... ★
Well, now. Let's see what you're capable of. ★
What is it that you think you're doing? You're getting awfully familiar. ★
If you understand one thing, make it this: I have no intention of bowing to your will. ★
My hellfire will consume everything. ★
To make my ideals a reality, I'd sacrifice anything...or anyone. ★
I will remake the world—tear down divisions and make things equitable for all. ★
So tell me! I want to know what it is that you believe in. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ ★
さて、貴様の器はどの程度か… ★
…何のつもりだ? 気安く近づくな。 ★
貴様に服従するつもりはない。勘違いするな。 ★
わが地獄の炎はすべてを灼き尽くす… ★
私は理想のために、多くの命を犠牲にした… ★
世界を、差別のない、誰もが住みやすいものに変えるのだ… ★
貴様の理想…私に見せてみよ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Out with it!
What's your gambit?
Of course.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Arvis: Emperor of Flame has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

...Pathetic. I had wondered why you
might seek him. To think your reasons
were so misguided.

Arvis: Emperor of Flame,
This Life's Light/Ishtar: Echoing Thunder