Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

My name is Camus of Grust. I am captain of the Sable Order of knights.

私の名はカミュ。 グルニア王国黒騎士団の 団長を務めている。

Castle[ | ]

An Order of Heroes, hm? I can respect those who fight loyally for their motherland.

特務機関、か… 祖国のために戦い続ける、 その忠誠心は尊敬に値する。

I am certain everyone has someone in their past that they will never forget...

忘れ得ぬ人か… 誰しもそういう相手は いるのかもしれないな…

What is it? Is there something on my face?

……………… なんだ…? 私の顔に何かついているのか?

I live and breathe for my motherland. Will I bleed for her? Every last drop.

祖国のため… ただそのためだけに… 生きてきた。

My early career as a knight was at a remote post. Training was the only way to pass the time.

私は辺境の騎士、 時間の過ごし方といえば 訓練ぐらいしか知らぬ。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I have come with greetings from afar. I take it that you are 【Summoner】.
Who sent me? A fair question. It was 【Friend】.

【Friend】に頼まれて来た。 君が【Summoner】だな。 これからもよろしく頼む。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Let this power be ever in service to the motherland!

この力を… 祖国と主君のために…!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

As ever, I must prepare for the next battle.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

A bitter moment.

いかんな… もっと己を鍛えねば…

Ally Growth[ | ]

Allow me to demonstrate the might of Grust!

我らグルニア騎士団の精強さ、 我が身をもって示そう。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I wonder when it was that I first began actively shutting others out.
Obviously my experiences played a part, but since fighting at your side, I feel my thinking has changed.
At first my isolation protected me from the pain of losing someone I cared about...or so I thought.
But to allow that fear to prevent genuine connection with others is to rob yourself of their strength.
You taught me that, and you will always have my gratitude.

いつの頃からか… 人には極力近寄らぬように 心がけてきた…
それは私の過去に関わることでもある。 だが、君と共に戦ってきたからだろうか。 私の考えも少し変わったようだ…
たとえ身を裂かれるような別離に 苦しむことになったとしても…
それを恐れて、 他者と関わらないままでは、 大切なものは何も得られない。
君が教えてくれたことだ。 感謝する。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
A waste of life...
What a pity.
Admit defeat!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Hm... ★
Do you have need of my service? ★
I am but a man of war... Forgive me my impertinence. ★
The one thing I cannot do is betray my motherland. ★
I will stand as your shield. ★
Devotion to one’s motherland is the highest calling. And the loneliest one. ★
I have lived as a knight, and I intend to die as one. ★
I pray you meet someone who will bring joy into your life. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ… ★
私に何か用だろうか? ★
辺境の武人ゆえ…許されよ。 ★
祖国を裏切ることだけはできぬ。 ★
君の身は、私が守ろう。 ★
国を、民を…守らねばならぬ。 ★
騎士として生き、騎士として死ぬ… ★
こうして君と過ごした日々は忘れない。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
What can I do?
Shall we?
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Camus: Sable Knight has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Yes. This battle taught me more
than words ever could.

Camus: Sable Knight,
Decided Future/Zeke: Past Unknown