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Summoning[ | ] I? ...Tatarrah? It's me, Delthea. Please...give me your orders.

ココハ…ドコ……? ボクハデューテ…… タタラサマ…ドウカ命令ヲ……

Castle[ | ]

What am...I doing here? I must return to...killing the enemies of Tatarrah.

ボク、コンナトコロデ何シテルノカナ…… 早ク帰ッテ、タタラサマノ敵ヲ 殺サナクチャイケナイノニ……

I am Tatarrah's faithful servant... All those who oppose Tatarrah...will be killed for their foolishness.

ボクハタタラサマノ忠実ナ僕…… タタラサマニ逆ラウ愚カ者ドモヲ ミンナ殺スノ……

Is there anyone you want dead? Just point out a target...and I'll leave no survivors... Would you like that?

誰カ殺シタイ人ハイル? ボクノ魔法デヒトリ残ラズ殺シテアゲル。 嬉シイデショ…?

You should join me as Tatarrah's servant. Then we...could crush those Zofian fools together.

君モタタラサマノ僕ニナリナヨ。 ボクト一緒ニ、ソフィア軍ノ連中ヲ 皆殺シニシヨウ……。

Tatarrah's orders are to protect the sluice gates that lead to no Zofian scum may enter...

コノ水門ハ、リゲル帝国ヘノ国境ダカラ ソフィア軍ヲ通シチャイケナイ… タタラサマノゴ命令……。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Come with me. It's time for you to become a loyal servant of Tatarrah... By 【Friend】's will.

【Friend】ガ 君モタタラサマノ僕ニナレッテ…… サア、ツイテキテ……

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

You...oppose Tatarrah? You will perish under the weight of his power.

タタラサマニ逆ラウ愚カ者… コノチカラデ滅ビルガイイ……!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

You don't understand the full truth of my power... Come along—I will make you understand.

ボクノチカラハコンナモノジャナイ…… 今ニ思イ知ラセテヤル……。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Tatarrah... Forgive me...

タタラサマ… オ許シクダサイ……。

Ally Growth[ | ]

Now I'll be even more visit Tatarrah's will upon Zofia...

…コレデモットタタラサマノ オ役ニ立テル……フフ……

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I remember...a small village...always fighting with someone. Who was that, I wonder...
...No matter. If they are an enemy of Tatarrah, I'll kill them just the same.
With you, it is just as it is with Tatarrah... You tell me who to kill. Your will cannot be opposed.
You pretend there is a difference, but I am your tool. I kill for you like I kill for Tatarrah.
Do not worry... With me at your side, all your enemies are as good as dead already... I'll kill them all for you.

ボクハ…森ノ小サナ村ニイテ…… イツモ誰カトケンカシテタンダ…… アレハ誰ダッタノカナ……
……ドウデモイイ…… タタラサマノ敵ナラ殺スダケ…… ボクハタタラサマノ僕ダカラ……
君モタタラサマト同ジ…… 召喚師ダカラ逆ラエナイ…… ボクニ敵ヲ殺セッテ命令スル……
違ウ…? 何ガ違ウノ……? ボクニハワカラナイ…… ヤッテルコトハ同ジナノニ……
ドウシテ悲シソウナ顔ヲスルノ……? ダイジョウブ、ボクガミンナ 殺シテアゲルカラネ……

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I shall give you death.
All must die...
Enemies of Tatarrah...
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
UHHH... ★
Summoner... Are you an enemy of Tatarrah? Or a friend? ★
What is this place? I must leave... But where must I go? ★
I am Tatarrah's servant. I will kill the enemies of Tatarrah. ★
I want to play a game. How about we see who can kill the most people in this castle? I'll start. ★
Hehe... You are a meddlesome one... Very similar to someone I know. ★
Save me, brother... I'm... I'm scared... I want to see our village again... I want to go home! ★
If Tatarrah so wishes, I must kill you as well. However... The command would give me pause... ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ウフフ…… ★
召喚師…君ハタタラサマノ敵ナノ?ソレトモ……ドッチ? ★
ココハドコ?ボク、帰ラナクチャ…デモ、ドコニ帰レバイイノカナ…… ★
ボクハ……タタラサマノシモベ……タタラサマノ敵ヲ殺スノ…… ★
ネエ、遊ボウヨ。コノオ城ノ人ヲ何人殺セルカ競争シヨウ…? ★
フフ…君ッテオセッカイデ…エット、誰カニ似テルヨウナ…… ★
助けて、お兄ちゃん…怖いよ……ボク、村に帰りたい……! ★
タタラサマガ望ムナラ、君モ殺サナクチャ…デモ、ソレハ嫌ダナ…… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Your command?
You want me to kill.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Delthea: Tatarrah's Puppet has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

You have defied Tatarrah... I give you

Delthea: Tatarrah's Puppet,
Delthea: Tatarrah's Puppet (map)