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Summoning[ | ]

I am Eir—princess of the kingdom of death. I wish you well for the new year, am I not?

あけましておめでとう… 挨拶は、これでいいのかしら? 私の名前はエイル…死の国の王女よ。

Castle[ | ]

With each new year, we draw closer to death, and yet...the joy of new experience seems worth celebrating.

年を重ねるというのは死に近付くこと。 だけど、積み重ねた人生が 豊かになるのは…喜ばしいこと。

There is no new year tradition in Hel. To the dead who are frozen in time, it would have little meaning.

死の国には 新たな年を祝う習わしはなかったわ。 死者の時間は…永遠に動かないから。

This garment is called a kimono, you say? The attention in every stitch makes me feel...cared for.

キモノ…というのね、この衣装。 作り手の気持ちがこもっている いい衣装ね…

I have discovered the importance of taking one's time in chewing mochi. The first time, I...nearly choked.

これがお餅…慌てて食べると 死の危険もあると聞いたわ。 よく噛んで…食べないと。

I drew this omikuji for my fortune. Could you explain its significance?

おみくじというものを引いてみたわ。 この文字は…どういう意味なのかしら? 教えてもらえる?

Friend greeting[ | ]

Hello. I bring New Year's greetings... from 【Friend】.

あけまして…おめでとう… 【Friend】から 新年の挨拶を届けにきたわ…

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

This sense of determination I am experiencing... Is this what forming a New Year's resolution feels like?

晴れやかな気持ちになる… これが…新年の空気なのね。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

One year ends, and another begins. As with all else, the cycle continues...

新しい年… 命が繫がっていくのがわかるわ…

+[0,1] points[ | ]

I am...unaccustomed to attire of this kind. I apologize if I am less effective as a result...

ごめんなさい… 着慣れない衣装で、 勝手がわからないの…

Ally Growth[ | ]

With the new year shall come new life and, with that, new power...

新しい年に… 力が芽吹いていく…

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

There can be no start to the new year without the end of the old. That is the way of things.
Life is the same. Over the coming year, new lives will be born...while others will be snuffed out.
This body was once full to the brim with the lives of others. Now, only one remains...
As the cycle of life and death moves ever forward in this world... How long do I have? When will I find my end?
What will become of me? Can you see that, 【Summoner】?

新たな年のはじまり… それは同時に 終わりのはじまりでもある…
生まれ出る命もあれば 去りゆく命もある。 世界はその繰り返しで続いてきたわ。
今まで私の中からは 多くの命がこぼれ落ちた。でも今は… 私の中に残る命は、たったひとつだけ…
生と死を繰り返し、続く世界で… たったひとつのこの命が どこに流れ着くのか…
【Summoner】に 見届けてほしいの。 私の命の行く末を…

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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So cold...
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Special trigger[ | ]

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A new year dawns.
Another year together.
Happy New Year.
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
A bad omen...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Sigh... ★
As the new year is born, the old year dies... Hmm. ★
You? Again? What will I ever do with you? ★
I am told that this robe is called a "kimono." I am fond of it. ★
The commander gave me a gift for the New Year. This custom is unfamiliar... What should I do? ★
*laughs* There's a smudge of ink on your face. How did that happen? Oh, calligraphy! I see. ★
Everyone's face is shining, filled with hope... ★
This year... I want to see your smiling face. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう… ★
古い年が死んで、新しい年が生まれたのね… ★
っ…! もう…またあなた? 仕方のない人… ★
着物っていうらしいの。どうかしら…? 私は、気に入っているんだけど… ★
隊長からお年玉をもらってしまったの…どうしようかしら… ★
ふふ…あなた、顔に墨がついてる。どうしたの? ★
みんな、希望に満ちた顔をしているわ。眩しい… ★
今年は…たくさん、あなたの笑顔を見たいと思うわ… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I will go.
Out with the old...
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Eir: Renewed Life has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Yes, it must have been expensive to
provide for the Order of Heroes...
Not to mention me...

Eir: Renewed Life,
New Year's Extravagance/Story