Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

Hey there. I'm Gatrie. What do you need? We can bash heads or trade dating tips. You tell me!

おれはガトリー! どーんと頼ってくれていいっすよ! 戦いでも、恋愛相談でも!

Castle[ | ]

Look at all of these cute girls! One of them HAS to be my dream girl... I just know it!

可愛い子がたくさんいるぞ! よーし、よし。 この中に、おれの運命のひとがいるんだ!

Shinon always keeps me busy with one thing or another. We're never in the same place for long.

なんだかんだで、 いつもシノンさんと一緒に あちこち行ったり来たりしてるよなぁ。

That's a furrowed brow if I've ever seen one! So here's my advice: don't sweat the small stuff, OK?

その顔はどうしたんすか? ははあ……じゃ、おれからアドバイス! 細かいことで悩まない、これが一番っす!

This is it... This is the day I meet my dream girl. Oh, er... Hi there! I'm looking for love. Didn't you know?

今日こそ、今度こそ運命を感じる…… あっ、【Summoner】さん? おれの運命のひとって、えっ?

Shinon said I should polish my armor until I can see my face in it. Man, it's hard work looking cool for the ladies!

よーく鎧を磨いて…と。 女の子にカッコいい姿を見せるには 地道な努力が大切だって、シノンさんが!

Friend greeting[ | ]

The name's Gatrie. Got a delivery from 【Friend】.

おれはガトリーっす。 【Friend】さんから 差し入れですって、何ですかね?

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

My fated love is waiting for me! Until then, I can't lose!

あの子のために、愛のために! おれは勝ーつ!!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

You see that? Better pick your jaw up off the ground, because I'm just getting started!

どうだ見たかっ! おれの強さは まだまだこんなもんじゃないぜ~!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Oof. A sorry performance like that, well... It'll put a dent in my pay as well as my pride.

ああ… これじゃダメだ… きっと報酬も下がっちまう。

Ally Growth[ | ]

This'll show the ladies how strong and manly I am! And help in a fight too, I guess.

きたきた~! これで男っぷりにますます磨きが!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

You won't believe this, but I did it! Let me regale you with the ultimate tale of your old pal Gatrie's love life...
I met this cutie selling flowers on my way home from the pub. It was love at first sight, I tell ya!
She said she was working day and night to support her bedridden pa, so I emptied my pockets then and there.
You should have seen the look on her face! And now...we're gettin' hitched when she returns with the old man!
Should be in about...say, six months. I can work for you till then, right? What a time to be alive! Ha ha ha!

あっ! 【Summoner】さん! 聞きますか、おれの愛の武勇伝!
この前、酒場であった花売りの! ものすっっっごく純心な、カワイイ子で! おれは本当に運命を感じたんすよ!
遠い国で寝たきりのオヤジさんのために 寝るヒマもなく働いてるっていうから…… ここでもらった報酬かき集めて渡したんす!
彼女、そりゃあもう喜んでくれて… オヤジさんつれてくるから結婚しようって! ヘヘヘ、半年もしないうちに戻る予定なんす。
だから、彼女が戻ってくるまでは このままお世話になるっす! ああ~、おれって幸せ者だなあ!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I'm ready to fight!
You can always count on me!
Won't even break a sweat!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I weak...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Hee hee hee... ★
I'm Gatrie. But I'm sure you already knew that. ★
Finally got your attention, huh? ★
There are so many lovely ladies in this army! ★
Hey, you. Yeah, you! Name's Gatrie. What's yours? ★
I had the honor to serve under Greil -- Ike's father. Ike's not a bad person, by any means. But he has no manners whatsoever... ★
The easygoing life of a mercenary is the only life for me. ★
I'll always protect you. This armor isn't just for show, you know. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
へへへ… ★
俺の名前はガトリー! ガトちゃんって呼んでくれてもいいぜ! ★
うおっ!? お、お前、けっこう積極的だな… ★
いや~この軍は可愛く素敵な女性だらけで幸せだな~ ★
あっ、そこの愛らしいお嬢さん! よかったら名前を…! ★
アイクは傭兵団の後輩っす。悪い奴じゃないんすよ? ★
俺、やっぱ傭兵稼業が気楽で好きだな~ ★
俺にはこの鎧があるからな。いつでもお前を守ってやるぜ! ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Hope you've got a plan.
What do we do?
I've got it!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Gatrie: Armored Amour has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Of course!

Oh, and she was wearing some kind
of mask that covered her eyes...

Gatrie: Armored Amour,
Timeless Ties/Gatrie: Armored Amour