Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am the Desert Guardian—he who defends the dunes around the village of dragons I call home.
But you, stranger, can call me Hawkeye.

我はホークアイ。 ナバタ砂漠の奥、竜の里に住む者だ。 砂漠の守護者とも呼ばれている…

Castle[ | ]

I have long lived in the desert. Places like this? They're unfamiliar to me.

我は砂漠に住まう者。 このような場所には… 馴染みがない…

You possess summoning magic. Careful. Such immense power can, over time, drive a man mad.

召喚か…我に魔道はわからぬ。 だが、気をつけることだ。 強大な力は人を狂わせる…

I am grateful for what you do. That is all.

…お前には、感謝している。 …それだけは、伝えておこう。

I know you are no warrior, but the way you direct us in battle? You're like a beast. Ferocious.

お前は戦い手ではない。 だが、英雄との戦に挑むお前の心は、 まるで獣のように力強く、猛々しい。

The path of the Desert Guardian is a lonely one. And by necessity. So forgive me if I stand at a remove.

砂漠の守護者は 孤独であらんとするもの。 あまり人とは関わらぬ…すまぬな…

Friend greeting[ | ]

Are you 【Summoner】?
I've come bearing a hello from a distant place from your friend 【Friend】.

そなたが【Summoner】か。 【Friend】にかわり、 友好の挨拶に来た…

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]



+[2,3] points[ | ]

My strength has gone up. Good.

我が力が 増していくようだ…

+[0,1] points[ | ] time as guardian coming to an end?

我の死期は… 近いのか…

Ally Growth[ | ]

I am grateful for what you have given me.

感謝しよう… 我は新たな力を得た。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

It is time for us to have words of weight. You and I, now.
I sense that you find me strange. Perhaps even stranger than most people here find me.
I am from the deep desert, and those from outside it see me as outside themselves.
Do you feel the same? About me? Or more importantly, about yourself?
You and I are the same in one regard. We both want to ensure that peace persists.
Like the sands of time, which flow but never change, you and I will always be there for the world.

我と話がしたい…か。 お前はつくづく変わり者だ…
なに、我ほどではないと…? ふむ…そうか…
確かに我は砂漠に生きる者… ここにいる者たちと比べれば 変わり者かもしれぬな…
だが…世界の平穏を 守りたいと思う心は皆と同じ…
我らの悠久の黄砂と同じく それはいついかなる時も変わらぬもの… 約束しよう。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I know NOTHING of fear!
I'm coming for YOU.
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

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Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Huh. ★
If you need to talk, I am always here. ★
You wish to get my attention? Friend, you have it. ★
I have a destiny. I will fulfill it. ★
The desert I guard... There is no desert more in need of a guardian. ★
I find you...mysterious. ★
My time as guardian will come to an end. That time draws near. ★
I believe in you, friend. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ ★
我に話か? ★
…我には、わからん ★
我は使命を全うするのみ… ★
我は【砂漠の守護者】 ★
おまえは、不思議だ ★
我の死期は、近い… ★
…我は、おまえを信じている ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Of course.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Hawkeye: Desert Guardian has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I am Hawkeye. My only option is to
fight so that I may fulfill my destiny.

Hawkeye: Desert Guardian,
Labyrinth of Mists