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Summoning[ | ]

My name is Ilyana. I'm a traveling mage. Sorry, but...I'm about to faint... Can you spare a bite to eat?

私…旅の魔道士で…イレースといいます… …あの…私、その…倒れてしまいそうで… 何か、食べられるものは…ありますか……

Castle[ | ]

The food here is delicious... But we need to talk about the portions. I had to eat eight helpings at breakfast...

このお城の料理…とっても美味しいです。 ……ただ、量が控えめなので… 今日の朝は、8人分いただきました…

I was separated from my traveling companions and lost my way... Thank you for feeding me.

一緒に旅をしていた皆さんと… ……はぐれてしまって…… お食事に誘ってもらい、助かりました……

By my estimate I've only had three portions of food today. I'm so hungry...

私…お腹が空きました… 今日はまだ…3人分しか 食べていないので………

I'm no good at running, much less marching. Physical exertion makes me so hungry...I might just faint.

歩くのも、走るのも、苦手で… 動くと……おなかもすきますし… よく行軍中に……倒れてしまいます……

Hello, 【Summoner】...
Of course I remember you. You gave me so many treats.

【Summoner】さん…… あなたのことは…覚えています。 お食事を…ごちそうになりましたから…

Friend greeting[ | ]

For all of those lovely meals, I owe 【Friend】...

【Friend】さんは恩人です。 いつも、お食事に誘ってくださいます… はい…私、好き嫌いはありません……

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Hmm... I detect something delectable... We can't stop now... We must find it!

あ…… 向こうから…おいしそうな匂いがします… …行ってみましょう…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

I'm... I'm sorry. I got a little dizzy there. It happens all the time.

あっ……すみません、ちょっと 足もとがふらついてしまって…… よくあることなので……

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Hold on... Kinda dizzy... And so hungry... Can't move...

め…目まいが……… お腹が減って… 動けない…です……

Ally Growth[ | ]

You're too kind...but what I really wanted is a snack.

ありがとうございます… こういうものも、うれしいのですが…… 何か、食べられるもののほうが…

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Thank you for always finding food for me when I need it. I know that's pretty much all the time...
I never had much growing up, so I got used to relying on the generosity of others.
That has its limits, of course... I can put away a fortune in food. Not everybody is so understanding.
Here, though... I can eat my fill, and nobody even bats an eye. It's like a dream come true!
Let me stay and feast with you, and I'll be sure to do everything I can to help you out. It's a win-win!

【Summoner】さん…… いつも…お食事を手配してくれて… 本当にありがとうございます…
私は…いつも、お金がなかったので… その…他の方からのご厚意に… すぐ…甘えてしまって……………
つい…皆さんのお金がなくなるまで たくさん…食べてしまって… 驚かれたり、怒られたりしました…
でも、ここは…天国みたいです。 私が…思いっきり食べても… 誰も困った顔…しませんから…
ですから…がんばります… 【Summoner】さんと ずっと…一緒にいられるように…

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Excuse me...
Kinda dizzy...
Let me pass...
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Sigh... ★
My name is Ilyana. I'm a traveling mage. ★
...Yes? Do you have something for me? Food, maybe? ★
When I left home, I was all alone...I couldn't find work. Those were hungry times... ★
I'm not picky—I'll take any food you have... ★
I'm know. I'm hungry. ★
You summoned me to this smörgåsbord. I'll never forget you... ★
There's so much delicious food here, it's like...heaven... ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう… ★
…私…旅の魔道士で、イレースといいます…… ★
…何でしょう? なにか…くれるんですか? 食べ物とか…… ★
家を出てからは…いろんな方の善意でなんとか生きてきました…… ★
…好き嫌いはありません。口に入るものなら、なんでもいいです。 ★
ご……ごめんなさい……。私……その、お腹が空いてるもので…… ★
召喚師さん、召喚師さん…ごちそうしてくれる人だもの…覚えておかないと… ★
ここは…美味しいご飯がたくさん食べられて、天国のようです。うっとり… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm not picky.
Getting kinda hungry...
Audio Transcription

Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Special trigger[ | ]

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Stay frozen.
This will be chilling!
You're hiding a sandwich!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
So hungry and cold...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
I'd rather have more food than new clothes, but... ★
Oh... I thought you were bringing me food. ★
Warm food is even tastier when you eat it in a cold place! Don't you think? ★
The Nifl royal family has three sisters and a brother... That sounds like a lot of fun to me. ★
So, I got this new outfit. Think we'll have a banquet to celebrate? ★
Is it just me, or do you also get hungry faster when it's cold out? ★
My heart AND stomach are full when I'm with you... ★
Audio Transcription Rarity

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Can do.
I sense food...
I'll freeze them.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Ilyana: Hungering Mage has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

This land...Askr is a wonderful place.

The more I learn about the food here,
the more my determination grows...

Ilyana: Hungering Mage,
Timeless Ties/Ilyana: Hungering Mage