Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am the Angel of Death, Jaffar. This... is a winter festival? It looks a bit... lively...for me...

俺はジャファル、【死神】だ。 冬祭り? ずいぶんと騒がしい場所に 来てしまったようだな…

Castle[ | ]

Nino's smile... There's no better gift than that.

ニノの笑顔…俺にとっては それが一番の贈り物だ。

Wherever I went, all I saw were bodies... Here, wherever I go, I see smiles... Strange...

俺が歩いたあとには死体ができた。 しかしここでは俺が歩いたあとに 笑顔ができる。不思議なものだ…

Here, nobody's afraid of me... How can the Angel of Death be mobbed

皆、俺のことが怖くないのか? 笑顔の子どもに囲まれた【死神】など 聞いたことがない…

When you hand somebody a present, how should you look at them? Can me?

贈り物を渡すときは… どんな顔をすればいい? よければ、教えてくれないか。

I could never assassinate someone wearing these clothes... Then again, I guess I don't need to right now...

目を引く派手な装束では 暗殺は難しい… 今日はその必要もないが。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Here... A gift, from 【Friend】...

【Friend】からの 贈り物を届けにきた。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I have a gift that absolutely must be delivered...

届けねばならない 贈り物があるのでな…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

A festival? It doesn't matter... The hunter must kill his prey without matter when or where...

祭りだろうが関係ない。 獲物は必ず仕留める…

+[0,1] points[ | ]

The chill dulls my senses...


Ally Growth[ | ]

For me? Thanks...

これを俺に…? 感謝する。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Until now...I have lived my life by taking the lives of others... I didn't know any other way to survive.
I am the Angel of Death... I never thought about how to make anyone smile before...
Thanks to the winter festival, I learned that you can give as well as take...
I do not intend to atone for my sins, but maybe tonight...I can lead a different life...
Ever since I met you, my thoughts have become restless. Hmph...

俺は今まで… 命を奪って生きてきた。 ほかに生きる方法を知らなかったからだ。
だが俺はこの冬祭りで… 奪うだけではなく 与える生き方も存在することを知った。
俺は【死神】。 人々の笑顔とは もっとも縁遠い所にいる男だ。
罪滅ぼしなどというつもりはないが… 今夜くらいは…違う生き方を…
【Summoner】… 不思議なやつだ。お前に出会ってから 俺の調子は狂ってばかりだな…

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Merciful night.
Take this!
This is a gift.
It ends tonight.
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I feel...cold.
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
What? ★
I have never been to a winter festival. What am I supposed to do? ★
Nino forced me to wear this. Do I look as uncomfortable as I feel? ★
I'm the Angel of Death. Hardly suited to such a lively occasion. ★
At night, I try to relax. These bright lights are keeping me on edge. ★
Am I enjoying myself? No. I'm here because I have to be. ★
Being festive does not come easily to me. But as long as Nino is happy, I can't complain. ★
A present...for me? Huh. Thank you. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
はあ… ★
冬祭り? …経験がない。どうすればいいんだ… ★
ニノに無理やり着せられたが、妙な衣装だ。動きにくくてかなわん。 ★
俺は【死神】だ。聖なる夜にはふさわしくない。 ★
夜だというのに、そこら中明るくて落ち着かないな… ★
楽しんでなどいない。やれと言われたからやっているだけだ。 ★
浮かれた空気は苦手だが、ニノが楽しそうなのは…悪くない。 ★
俺に…贈り物? …そうか。…その…礼を言う。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Got it.
Is that snow?
For you.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Jaffar: Angel of Night has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I...can't say I care either way.

Jaffar: Angel of Night,
For a Smile/Story