Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Kagero, a ninja from Hoshido. You have a mission for me? Then I will serve you from the shadows.

白夜王国のくの一、カゲロウだ。 私に新たな任を下したのは貴殿か。 来たからには、陰となり働こう。

Castle[ | ]

The royals of this realm seem to employ no retainers. I find that... interesting.
Both Hoshido and Nohr use them to safeguard royals. Are they that able to defend themselves here?

ここの王族には特定の臣下がおらぬのだな。 白夜暗夜とは違った風習なのか、 護衛が不要なほどに手練の者ということか…

My liege is Lord Ryoma, a noble leader, strong in spirit and body. It is my honor to serve him.

私の主はリョウマ様という。 心身ともに強く凛とした立派な御方だ。 あの方に仕えられる事を誇りに思っている…

You are so dutiful. I would be glad to prepare a tea ceremony for you. You'll find it relaxing.
I prefer to use green tea, though mine tends to be bitter. It goes with sweet treats nicely, however.

貴殿はいつも忙しそうだな。 良ければ今度抹茶でも点ててやろうか。 苦いが、甘い菓子ととても合うぞ。

You're also new here. You'll want to remember everything from these days when all seems unusual.
I find that keeping a diary helps one preserve memories—especially if you draw pictures too.

貴殿もここに来て日が浅いのか… ならば今のうちに絵日記を描いては如何か。 慣れた頃に見返すと趣があるぞ。

I draw pictures of the local scenery in my diary. I'm afraid that they look a bit hellish. It's...just how I draw.

絵を描いていた… この地の風景なのだが、どうだ? …なに? 地獄絵図かと思っただと…?

Friend greeting[ | ]

I've come on a mission from 【Friend】.
Basically, it's to say hello. That done, I'll be on my way.

【Friend】より挨拶だ。 今後も宜しくと言っていた… 確かに伝えたぞ。では、さらば。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

A ninja shows no emotion. Not even joy.

忍びは嬉しくとも 顔には出さぬ…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Good enough.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

Less than I'd like...


Ally Growth[ | ]

I'll make greater gains with this power. I thank you.

この力で頑張るゆえ、 これからもよろしく頼む。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I've been doing flower arrangements from whatever I can find in this world. Here's my latest creation.
What do you think of it? Ah. It looks like something from a hellscape? Well, I appreciate your honesty.
Curious to think how I'd have never been able to work with these flowers had I not come to this world.
In a way, you have played a large part in the creation of this flower arrangement.
I can thank you for many things, and most of all, that every one of us remains safe.
So I vow to keep you safe, no matter what dread events come to pass, 【Summoner】.

【Summoner】… 丁度良いところに来てくれた。 この地の草花を生けてみたのだが、どうだ?
………… そうか。奈落の荒れ野のようか… 褒め言葉だと受け取っておこう。
しかし、不思議なものだ。 もしこの世界に来ることがなければ私は、 一生この草花を見ることはなかった。
こうして貴殿と時間を共にし、 語り合うこともなかったのだ。 すべて、貴殿の結んだ縁のおかげだな。
貴殿は全軍の指揮に関わる人物。 だから…いや、例えそうでなくとも、 私はあなたを守ると誓おう。

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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You have breathed your last.
You are already dead.
I'll finish this.
Absolute annihilation!
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Hmm. ★
Have you known many ninja? We are a...unique breed. ★
I always carry out my mission. No matter how grave the stakes. ★
I value activities that require quiet and focus. Flower arranging. Tea ceremonies. ★
My paintings, my flower arrangements... I'm afraid they're not to everyone's taste. ★
A ninja should remain in shadow. Until she is summoned. ★
Where is Lord Ryoma? I have a duty to protect him! ★
I am often nowhere to be seen in times of war. That's when I'm doing work. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ… ★
くノ一が珍しいか? ★
ここがどこであろうと、任務を果たすのみ ★
茶や花など、一人静かに没頭できるものが好きだ ★
私の作るものは独創的だと称されることが多い ★
忍びは姿が見えずとも、呼び声ひとつで現れるものだ ★
リョウマ様はいずこにおわす…傍でお守りせねばならぬのに ★
戦があると聞けば知らぬふりはできぬ… 貴殿が望むのであれば、私は陰となり働こう ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Say the word.
Let's go.
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Sink into nightmare!
Sleep for eternity.
Is this what you want?
A moment is all I need.
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Defeat[ | ]

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My dream...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
*Exhale* ★
This garb is...far from what I'm accustomed to, but I don't believe it will interfere with my duties. ★
Wha?! Oh, it's you. I see you've been training in the art of moving stealthily. ★
Lulling opponents into nightmares and disrupting their slumber, all to sap them of their strength in the waking world... Those dökkàlfar certainly have a terrifying way of doing things. ★
My attire matters little—no matter what happens, I will fulfill my duty as a ninja to protect my liege. ★
The beings called álfar... Perhaps they serve the same role as spirits in my world. ★
I have sworn to be by Lord Ryoma's side, but letting him see me like this is a little, err, well... ★
Whatever your dreams may be, I will aid you in pursuing them however I can. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう… ★
この衣装はまた一段とひらひらと薄くて…落ち着かんな… ★
はっ!? またあなたか。気配を消すのがうまいのだな。 ★
悪夢を見せ眠りを妨げ力を奪う…。なるほど、敵となると恐ろしい。 ★
どのような格好であれ、主君を守り忍びの務めを果たすのみだ。 ★
妖精というのはこの異界のあやかしか? ★
リョウマ様のお傍におらねば…しかしこの格好をお見せするのは… ★
あなたの夢がいかなるものであれ、私もその一助となりたい。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Time to focus.
Leave it to me.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Kagero: Honorable Ninja has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

All right, then. Begin!

Kagero: Honorable Ninja,
The Fire Within/Rinkah: Scion of Flame