Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Merric, a mage from Altea. What I learned of wind magic in Khadein is at your disposal.

ぼくはアリティアの魔道士マリク。 カダインで学んだ風の魔道で、 役に立てるようがんばるよ。

Castle[ | ]

May I ask about your summoning magic? You tie the skies together? Is that wind magic like my own?

召喚、という君の魔道はとても興味深いよ。 空と空をつなげる…風の魔道なのかな? それともまったく別の理による魔道…?

I studied in Khadein, the City of Magic. It was a remarkable place, with desert sand to the horizons...

ぼくは魔道の地カダインで 修行を積んだんだ。 すごいところだよ、見渡す限りの砂漠で…

Thank you for what you do. Your guidance keeps everyone motivated and safe.

いつもありがとう。 君はその指揮でみんなを励まし、 守ってくれているんだね。

I've known Prince Marth and his sister Princess Elice for many years. They are truly good people.

マルス様と、姉君のエリス様とは 昔からの知り合いなんだ。 とても温かくて、素晴らしい方々だよ。

I've always been physically weak. But I wanted to protect...people precious to me, so I studied magic.

ぼくはもともと体が弱かったんだ。 でも、大切な人…マルス様たちを 守りたくて、魔道を学んだ。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Let's see now... You must be 【Summoner】, right?
I'm Merric—here with a hello from 【Friend】!

君が【Summoner】だね。 ぼくは【Friend】の使者、 マリク。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

It seems the Excalibur tome has guided me well.

エクスカリバーが ぼくを導いてくれたみたいだ。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

My body feels so light! I can move like the wind itself!

体が軽いよ。 いつもより動ける気がする。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

It seems I haven't trained enough. I will begin again with the basics.

まだまだ修行が足りないな… いちから学び直さないと。

Ally Growth[ | ]

I will use this new power to protect those precious to me.

目覚めたこの力… 大切な仲間を守るために…

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

It's been some time since we began to fight side by side, yet you still find ways to surprise me.
I don't mean that in a bad way! You're just...a very mysterious person.
You're not like anyone I've met. The things you come up with...the rest of us have never dreamed of.
You are like a wind that blows through each of our lives and changes our fates.
So please know that I believe in you and your abilities. I will work with you as long as you'll have me.

君と共に戦うようになって それなりの時間が経ったけど、 いつも君には驚かされるよ。
ああ、ごめん。 変な意味じゃないんだ。 君は…とても不思議な人だからね。
今まで出会った誰とも違う、 僕たちが誰も考えたことがなかった 新しい何かをもたらしてくれる…
君は…運命を変える風… そんな感じかな。
だから、その力を… これからも信じさせてほしい。 共にがんばろう。

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Winds, heed me!
Here it comes!
Now you've done it.
I will not fail!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Be safe...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heehee ★
Is something the matter? ★
Er, could you perhaps find another way to get my attention? ★
Ah, what a pleasant breeze... ★
I've been reading the most fascinating tome! ★
If you don't mind, I would like to chat with you. ★
The magic I have learned must protect everyone. ★
I enjoy spending time with you. It puts me at ease. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふ ★
どうしたの? ★
え、えっと…困ったな… ★
優しい風だね… ★
魔道書を読んでたんだ ★
良かったら、話がしたいな。 ★
学んだ魔道で、みんなを守る… ★
きみといると、気持ちが安らぐよ ★

Turn action[ | ]

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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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You won't get past me!
By the power of seiðjárn...
I won't lose us this battle!
Winds, protect us!
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Defeat[ | ]

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I must get stronger...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Hmm... ★
This clothing is from a realm known as Niðavellir. ★
What? Hah! Word to the wise—if you can't resist that impulse for mischief, you may anger your allies! ★
Niðavellir's civilization has advanced considerably. I am eager to learn more about it! ★
Whatever I can do to ensure the betterment of Altea, I will do it. ★
Changing your garb does have an effect, doesn't it? I feel driven! ★
If only I could come to understand the workings of Seiðjárn... I am certain this would be of no small help to Prince Marth. ★
Ever since you summoned me here...I have never stopped learning. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
うーん… ★
これは異界のニザヴェリルという国の衣装なんだ。 ★
わっ…! ふふっ、悪戯はほどほどにしないと、怒られるよ。 ★
ニザヴェリルは随分文明が進んだ国なんだね。興味ぶかいなあ。 ★
ぼくも、もっとアリティアの発展に貢献したいな。 ★
衣装を変えると気持ちも変わるね。何だかやる気が出てきたよ。 ★
魔道科学の知識を身につければ、きっとマルス様のお役に立てる… ★
きみに召喚されてから、勉強になることばかりだよ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
This way?
As the wind blows...
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Merric: Wind Mage has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

There’s no need to call me “sir,” you
know. I’m not a knight.

Merric: Wind Mage,
Flow of Power/Ricken: Shepherd Novice