Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Minerva, Princess of Macedon. I will never hesitate in my duty. Ask—and it will be done.

わたしの名はミネルバ。マケドニア王女だ。 貴公がわたしを必要とするのなら、 協力は惜しまない。

Castle[ | ]

I believe Prince Alfonse will be a fine king. He reminds me of Prince Marth in a way.

アルフォンス王子、 彼には王としての器量がある。 マルス王子を思い出す…

In these moments of quiet, I sometimes reflect on bygone days with my siblings...

こんな穏やかな日は… 兄妹三人で過ごしていた頃を 思い出してしまうな…

These days I am known as the Red Dragoon... In better days I rode an adorable pegasus...

今でこそ赤い竜騎士と呼ばれているが、 昔はペガサスに乗っていたこともあった。 とても可愛がっていたものだ…

My brother Michalis and I each made our own choices... I had to execute him with my own hands.

わたしと兄ミシェイルは 袂を分かち、相争った。 わたしはこの手で兄を討った…

Michalis and I will never be as siblings again. But I shall always wish happiness for our sister, Maria.

ミシェイルとわたしは もはや兄妹には戻れぬ。だが、 妹のマリアだけは幸せであって欲しい…

Friend greeting[ | ]

An acquaintance of yours bid me come wish you well. Who? It was 【Friend】.

【Friend】の代理として、 挨拶を届けに来た。 どうかよろしく頼む。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Witness the fearsome power of the Red Dragoon!

赤い竜騎士と恐れられた力… とくと見るが良い!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

So...I had not reached my full potential...

わたしにはまだ… こんな力があるのだな。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Michalis was always a step ahead. I cannot compare...

しょせんわたしは… 兄上の足元にも及ばぬ…

Ally Growth[ | ]

You have my gratitude. I will show it by my victories.

感謝する。戦いならば、 わたしは誰にも負けぬ。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I do not have what is required of a ruler. During my time ruling in place of my brother...
I have allowed rebellion, been captured, and displayed my own powerlessness and disgrace.
Perhaps I could better rule with a tactician like you at my side...
You have a unique quality about you—you make me feel as if...
I still have much I can accomplish. Thank you for that. I swear to not give up and to look to the future.

わたしは王の器ではない。 兄上に代わって 国を治めていたこともあったが…
反乱を起こされ、捕らえられ、 醜態を晒した… 己の無力さを思い知った…
もしも君のような軍師が 傍にいてくれたら… わたしは国を治められただろうか…
君は不思議だな。 わたしにもまだやれることがあると… そんな気にさせてくれる。
ありがとう。 わたしも諦めず、前を向こう。 君と共に…

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Face me, coward!
I will end this swiftly.
Make peace with your gods.
You poor fool...
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heh ★
Mm? Did you need something? ★
Is that how you greet people in your homeland? ★
I will fight with honor, if not pride. ★
I shall never ascend the throne. I do not have the capacity to rule. ★
Let us restore peace to the people of this world together. ★
I remember days of light and laughter... ★
Anytime you wish to speak, do not hesitate. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ ★
どうした? わたしに用か? ★
こ、これは異国の挨拶なのか? ★
誇りを胸に、正々堂々戦いたいものだ ★
しょせん、わたしは王の器ではない。 ★
共に、平和を取り戻そう。 ★
昔のように笑いあえる日は… ★
君と過ごすのは、悪い気分ではないな… ★

Turn action[ | ]

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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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You show resolve.
This is my fight to win.
Flames consume you!
I'll cleave you in twain!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I can't die, not yet...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Sigh... ★
I am told this is the garb of another world, called Múspell. ★
*grunt* Careful there. I nearly screamed in fright. ★
My brother, sister, and I all have red hair. Red has always been my color. ★
So this look suits me, you think? *laugh* Well, thank you. ★
The princesses of Múspell are so close. Their relationship is just like the one I have with Maria. ★
Michalis, Maria... Perhaps this world offers a chance to return things to the way they were... ★
I am satisfied adding my strength to yours. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう… ★
これはムスペルという異国の装束だそうだ。 ★
っ…! 危うく悲鳴をあげるところだった。意地悪しないでくれ。 ★
私の兄妹は三人とも赤毛なんだ。だから赤は好きだ。 ★
似合う? ふふ…ありがとう。 ★
ムスペルの王女たちはとても仲睦まじいな。私とマリアのようだ。 ★
兄上…マリア…この世界であれば、また昔のように… ★
君の力になれることは私の喜びだ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
By your leave.
I see...
It shall be done.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Minerva: Red Dragoon has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Begone, outsiders! I am Minerva,
Princess of Macedon. Now, I'll warn
you once—return to your world.

I am bound to serve the Emblian
Empire, and the imperial princess,
Veronica, has given me an order.

She has commanded that I attack
a kingdom near her empire. I have
no time for the likes of you.

Minerva: Red Dragoon,
Proof of Power/Story