Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Reinhardt of Friege. Allow me to unleash havoc on your enemies with my thunder magic.

私はフリージの騎士ラインハルト。 ご命令とあらば、我が雷の魔道で 敵を撃ち滅ぼしましょう。

Castle[ | ]

Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena seem to be quite close. That brings back memories...

アルフォンス王子とシャロン王女は 仲の良いご兄妹ですね。 私も懐かしい気持ちになります。

It was my duty for many years to protect Queen Ishtar of my world. I took my duty very seriously.

私は長年の間、 イシュタル王女の守り役を務めていました。 あの方をお守りすることが私の使命です。

Please take care of yourself. This group would be doomed if it lost your keen sense of tactics.

お体どうかご自愛ください。 この軍は、あなたの優れた策がなくては 機能しないことは明らかです。

My sister, Olwen, more than grew up when I wasn't looking—she became formidable in her own right.

オルエン… いつの間にか、 お前は大人になっていたようだ。

There was a tactician so brilliant in my world that he was thought of as a god that presided over war.
I must say, your command is perhaps as impeccable.

元の世界で、軍神と称えられた 天才軍師を一人知っていますが… あなたの常勝の指揮は、彼を思い出します。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Excuse my sudden appearance. My name is Reinhardt. I bring greetings as a sign of friendship.

突然の来訪、どうかお許しいただきたい。 私はラインハルト、 こちらへ友好の挨拶に伺った。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Better than expected. I should always focus this much.

期待以上の成果といえます。 さらに気を引き締めねば。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

At this rate, I may achieve what I must.

この成長は、さらなる 高みへの糧となるでしょう。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Such a failing. Am I losing my conviction?

失礼しました… 心に迷いがあるようです。

Ally Growth[ | ]

This is an honor. In thanks, I pledge to prevail in battle.

大変光栄です。 この御礼は戦場の戦果にて。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

When I was young, my young sister, Olwen, followed me everywhere.
As her elder brother, I felt it my duty to guide her path in life, helping her at every turn.
But I now realize I wasn't doing it just for Olwen, nor was I even leading as much as I thought.
It was more like she and I each had our own path, though equally high standards.
You have helped me understand that at last. You and I—different, yet fully committed.
What an ideal way to grow—neither leading nor following, but walking together. I thank you.

幼い頃… 私の妹のオルエンは、 いつも私の後ろをついてきていました。
私はそんな妹を助け導くこと… 妹のために手を尽くすことが、 兄としてあるべき姿だと思っていました。
しかし、それは 相手を思いやる優しさのようでいて… その実、相手のためにはなっていなかった。
私が導くのではなく… お互いに尊敬し、高め合う存在、 それこそが理想といえるのでしょう。
それはあなたから教わったことです。 私は妹とも、そしてあなたとも… そのような関係でありたいと思っています。

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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This must be fate.
I'll give it my all.
You will back down.
Magic is everything!
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Ha ★
Tell me. What are your orders? ★
Come now! No more of that. ★
You have quite a skill for battle tactics. ★
I knew a brilliant tactician named Saias. You may be his superior. ★
I have a younger sister named Olwen. Do you have any siblings? ★
My sister went her way. I went mine. ★
I will remain with you—no matter the circumstances. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ ★
御命令でしょうか? ★
!? …ご冗談はおやめください ★
あなたは類まれな戦(いくさ)の才を持っておられる ★
私の知る天才軍師サイアス…果たしてあなたとどちらが上か… ★
あなたにご兄弟は? 私は、オルエンという妹が。 ★
妹には、私とは違う生き方がある… ★
たとえどのような道でも…私はあなたと共に参りましょう ★

Turn action[ | ]

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Let's go.
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
The gates have opened.
I'll handle this.
You have lost.
You should have fled.
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I am...outmatched.
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Mm-hmm... ★
Such interesting clothes. I hardly recognize myself. ★
Huh? Oh. I had imagined I would be used to this by now, and yet you still surprise me. ★
It pleases me to don clothes that so tastefully match your own. ★
Askr holds great interest for me. Could I learn more, I certainly would. ★
My sister has donned these clothes as well? That must make her very happy. Thank you. ★
I was once a man forced down a single path, but perhaps in this world, more lie open to me... ★
Here forward, I shall dedicate myself to our mission. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう… ★
フリージの騎士ラインハルト。装いも新たに参上しました。 ★
!? …もう慣れたつもりでいましたが、やはり驚きますね。 ★
あなた方と揃いの衣装をいただけること、光栄に思います。 ★
アスクは興味深い国です。もっともっと学びを得たい。 ★
妹にもこの衣装を? ありがとうございます。喜んだでしょう。 ★
一つの生き方しかできなかった私ですが、この世界では… ★
これからも使命の為に戦い続けることを誓いましょう。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
This way?
Perplexing, isn't it?
I shall do it.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Reinhardt: Thunder's Fist has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I was certain she had turned this
corner, and yet...

Reinhardt: Thunder's Fist,
True Conviction/Niime: Mountain Hermit