Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

Hello, I'm Robin. I'm a tactician for the Shepherds, so let me know if you need a battle plan.

僕はルフレ。 クロム自警団で軍師をしているんだよ。 策を講じることなら、任せてくれ。

Movie[ | ]

Where did I wake up this time?


Castle[ | ]

Is everyone here a Hero summoned from somewhere else?

別世界の者は英雄と呼ばれるのか… じゃあ元々この世界の者でない、 【Summoner】は…?

I have no memories from before the time I met Chrom. But I still have a fine mind for tactics.
Oh, you too? How intriguing.

僕はクロムと出会うまでの記憶がないんだ。 でも戦い方はちゃんと憶えているよ。 一目で敵の強さも見抜けるし…え、君も?

Back home, I was always checking on everyone, too. It helps me relax, knowing they're safe and well.

僕もよくみんなの様子を見て回るんだ。 無事な姿を見ると安心するよね。 君はなんだか、他人とは思えないよ。

Do you have a moment to go over some tactical options? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

時間があるなら話をしないかい? 新しい策を考えたんだけど、 ぜひ君の意見を聞きたくてね。

This kingdom has some amazing authors! ...Oh, ah, is it OK if I borrow books from the library?

この国の書物もなかなか面白いね… …ああ、すまない。 特務機関の書庫から拝借してきたんだ。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Nice to meet you. I'm Robin.
I was asked to come say hello by your good friend 【Friend】.

はじめまして、僕はルフレ。 【Friend】から、 君に挨拶をしてきてくれと頼まれてね。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Even I couldn't have seen this coming!

こうなることまでは 読めなかったよ…!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

This is all part of the plan.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

Er, is that it?

…あんまり 変わらなかったね。

Ally Growth[ | ]

I'm glad you see my strategic value to the team.

ありがとう。僕に戦力的な 価値を見出してくれたんだね。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I appreciate the opportunity you've given me to observe your battle tactics in depth.
Every time we head out, I can't help but be proud that you've chosen me to fight at your side.
But I do feel bad for interfering with the bonding process between partners.
You and Alfonse share something special, right? Similar to the bond between Chrom and me?
But there is also an understanding between fellow tacticians, and I vow to support you to the end.

この世界に来てから、 君の戦術を間近で見ることができて とても勉強になるよ。
出撃の時に僕を選んでくれるたび、 ああ今日も君の傍にいられるって、 うれしい気持ちになるんだ。
でも、あんまり僕ばかり傍にいたら 君の半身に悪いかな? そう…僕の読みが当たっていれば、
君の半身はアルフォンスだろう? 僕とクロムの絆と同じように、 君たちの間にも特別なものを感じるんだ。
けれど、戦術を立てる者として… 君の気持ちが一番わかるのはきっと僕だ。 戦が終わるまで、君を支えてみせるからね。

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Time to tip the scales!
Here's how it's done!
Wrong move!
Our bonds give me strength!
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heehee ★
We'll win our next battle—I guarantee it. ★
Did you say something? I was just planning... ★
Odd to think I came out of that divine...thing. ★
I don't know why, but I feel a strange kinship with you. ★
Oh, good—I've still got my memories of being in Ylisse. ★
I wonder if Chrom is around here... ★
I want you to know you can count on me out in the field. ★
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ふふっ ★
次の戦も、必ず勝とう ★
すまない、策を考えていた ★
僕はその神器から出てきたのかい? ★
君はなんだか、他人とは思えないよ ★
良かった、イーリスでの記憶は失くしてないみたいだ ★
クロムはどこにいるんだろう… ★
戦場では僕を頼って欲しい。きっと力になってみせるよ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Lead on.
Let's go.
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Everyone dies.
Accept your fate!
The fight is over!
Death can be a mercy!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I guess it's...fitting...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
These are the raiments of Hel, the realm of the dead. Don't read too much into that. ★
I may look a little scary, but I'm still the same Robin underneath. Have no fear. ★
Each time you brave the battlefield, you must come to terms with death. It never gets any easier. ★
You know what…? This outfit is actually pretty cool, if I do say so myself. ★
Wonder what Chrom will have to say about this getup? He'll…probably tell me to go change. ★
May the cold grasp of death keep far away from my treasured friends... ★
Come what may, please know that I will do everything in my power to ensure you live on. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ははっ ★
これは死の国ヘルの衣装なんだ。ちょっと怖いかな? ★
わっ…! びっくりして心臓が止まるかと思ったよ。 ★
戦に身を置いていると、死は身近なものだけど…悲しみに慣れることはないよ。 ★
…実は、ちょっとかっこいいと思ってるんだよね。この服。 ★
クロムは何て言うかな? らしくないから脱げって言われるかも。 ★
大切な人たちが、どうか死から遠くにあるように… ★
君にはどんな戦いも生き抜いてほしい。そのためになら、僕は… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm here.
I trust you.
Everything ends.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Robin: High Deliverer has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

You circumvented my strategy?
Incredible. I guess your tactician
can't be half bad.

But I've got more tactics that
will trip you up—many more allies
to keep you from going further!

Robin: High Deliverer,
Sinister Shadow/Story