Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Shanna from Ilia! I'm a pegasus knight! Well...sorta? I'm actually still in training, but I'll do my best!

あたしはイリア天馬騎士団のシャニー。 って言っても、まだ見習いなんだけどね! えへへ!

Castle[ | ]

My homeland, Ilia, is so cold—and I mean COLD. This place is a real hothouse in comparison.

故郷のイリアはすごく寒いの。 イリアに比べると、 ここはあったかいかな~

I have two sisters named Thea and Juno. They're older than me. Guess that makes me the youngest!

三姉妹の末っ子だよ! ユーノお姉ちゃんと ティトお姉ちゃんがいるんだ!

Want to chat? Sure! What d'ya feel like talking about? How about...? Hmm. Or maybe...? Nah.

あたしとお話したいの? いいよー、なに話そっか! えっとねー…

You're welcome to ride my pegasus anytime. Flying is the best!

あたしのペガサス乗りたい? いいよ、乗って! すっごく気持ちいいよー!

Are you going to scold me for flying too far ahead of the front lines? Sorry, sorry—I can't help it!

前線に出過ぎるなー!って、 昔いっつも怒られてたんだ~。 もしまたやっちゃったらごめんね。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Oh, 【Summoner】?
Great! It is you! One of your friends asked me to say hi. You remember 【Friend】, right?

あ、【Summoner】さん? 【Friend】に頼まれて あいさつに来たよ!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Yeah! I bet I could beat any enemy now.

うん、これなら どんな敵にも勝てちゃいそう!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Hee hee! I'll be as good as my sisters soon!

ふふっ、お姉ちゃん達みたいに なれたかな?

+[0,1] points[ | ]

I'll never NOT be a trainee if I can't do better than that.

こ、これじゃあいつまでも 見習いのままだよ…

Ally Growth[ | ]

I won't be a pegasus knight in training for much longer!

もう天馬騎士見習いなんて、 言わせないぞ~!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Some people say I'm childish. Not nice to say, but maybe not totally wrong either.
But since I've come here and fought alongside everyone, I feel like I've grown up a lot!
Hey, and here you are, I bet, thinking that ol' Shanna looks just the same, right?
How do I know? Oh, I know. Everyone always looks at me like I'm just the same.
Looky there—it's Shanna! And there—it's Shanna!
The thing is, I like being me. So I wouldn't mind putting off this whole growing-up thing.
That is, if you don't mind. Ha! I knew you wouldn't!

あたしってよく甘えん坊だって 言われるんだけど…
あなた達と戦うようになって… 少しだけ大人になれた気がしてるんだ。
あっ、今見た目は 何も変わってないって思ったでしょ! 誤魔化してもだめ~!
顔に書いてあったよ…… でも、それなら…
へへっ、少しだけ… あなたに甘えてもいいかな?

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Here we go!
Attack, attack!
Fine, fine! Everything's fine!
Not gonna lose!
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Ahahaha ★
Hmm? Need something? You name it...and I'm on it! ★
AHH! Whew. Just you. ★
Hey, it's the chief! You're the chief, right? Right! ★
Hope you're not skipping meals, Chief! Bad idea! ★
My homeland is SO cold... ★
Someday...I'm gonna fly high and light up the sky! ★
Say! We should visit my homeland! You gotta meet the REAL chief! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
あはは ★
はーいっ、なになに? ★
ひゃっ!? びっくりした。 ★
あっ、たいちょー(隊長)! ★
たいちょー、ちゃんとごはん食べてる? ★
あたしの故郷はさむーいとこなんだ。 ★
かっこよく飛んでみたいな~っ ★
たいちょーの故郷、いつか連れてってね ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Got it!
Let's go!
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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We got this!
Locking you out!
The gate's shut!
Ooh! Gettin' stronger!
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Defeat[ | ]

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I'm sorta scared, Sis...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Ehehe ★
I'm Juno and Thea's little sis! My name's Shanna. ★
Gah! I'll get you back for that—just you wait! ★
I am loving these clothes! Do you like 'em? Do you?! ★
Isn't Embla sort of your enemy, Chief? Ugh, complicated... ★
If ONE MORE person tells me I'm "just a trainee"... Ugh! ★
I'm proud of my Ilian uniform. It matches my sisters'! ★
Chief, gimme your honest opinion. Which outfit's regular uniform, or this one?! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
えへへっ ★
あたしシャニー! ユーノお姉ちゃんとティトお姉ちゃんの妹! ★
ひゃああっ! やったなー、覚悟しろ! ★
新しい衣装って気分上がる! ねね、似合うー? ★
エンブラ帝国って、たいちょーの敵なの? 何か複雑… ★
もー、みんなあたしが見習いだから口うるさくってやんなっちゃう! ★
イリアの騎士の衣装も大切にするよ。お姉ちゃんたちとお揃いだもん。 ★
たいちょーは、いつもの服とこっちとどっちか好き? ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Close 'em out!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Shanna: Sprightly Flier has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

What’s all this? You’ve got a little
sparkle in your eye, Dieck! Something
good happen?

Shanna: Sprightly Flier,
Principled Acts/Dieck: Wounded Tiger