Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Tailtiu! I'm a descendant of the crusader Thrud. Well...why don't we forget about that—tell me about you!

あたしティルテュ! ご先祖様は魔法騎士トードで…とか そういうの関係なくなかよくしてね!

Castle[ | ]

Everybody here is all talk, talk, talk about the most tedious stuff in the world. I'm so bored!

あーあ、みんななんか いっつもむずかしい話してる… たいくつしちゃった。

What's up with that weird rod? Wait... You say you can summon Heroes with it? No way!

なあに、そのへんな杖? え? それで英雄を呼び出すの? すごーい!

You're on patrol? That's no fun. Let me help out. We can do it together!

見回り? タイヘンそうだね。 あたしがてつだってあげるから、 一緒にがんばろうよ!

Father, I'm sorry... Because of me, our family's lost its honor.

お父様…ごめんなさい… あたしのせいで… 大切な家名を…

Keep it interesting, and I'll chat with you for as long as you like. Got a spare hour or two?

むずかしいことは苦手だけど、 たのしくおしゃべりすることは大好き! だからなかよくしてね!

Friend greeting[ | ]

Hey there! I'm Tailtiu. I was sent by 【Friend】.

やっほー、あたしティルテュ。 【Friend】に たのまれて来たの。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

That was great, wasn't it? I want to hear you say it!

ねえねえ、すごいでしょ! ほめてほめて。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

That...was pretty good! It was, wasn't it?

いいかんじでしょ? ほめてくれる?

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Hmm. What in the world was that?

あれー? おかしいなぁ…

Ally Growth[ | ]

Thank you! I'm bursting with energy and ready to go!

ありがと! すごく元気になっちゃった。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Hey there! Do you have a minute?
No matter what's going on, you're always so nice. It's one of the things I really like about you.
Wait...are you blushing? You are! I never know what to expect from you!
I try not to think too hard, but I do have good instincts when it comes to people. You're a good person.
And when I feel this way about somebody, I do what I can to help them out.
I always have a good time when I talk to you, 【Summoner】.
So you keep on helping me, and I'll keep on helping you!

あっ! 【Summoner】、 ねえねえ、あたしとおしゃべりしない?
ありがと! 【Summoner】は いつもやさしいね。大好き!
あれっ? 顔が赤くなってない? ふふっ、ヘンなの~
あたし、むずかしいことはわかんないけど… でも、この人はいい人だなって なんとなくわかるの。
あたしはそういう人が大好き。 好きな人のために がんばりたいって思うの。
ふふっ、お話してたら元気出てきちゃった。 これからも一緒にがんばろーね、 【Summoner】

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Here I go!
Bye-bye now!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Are you kidding?
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Oh! *giggle* ★
Hey! I have something I need to talk to you about. ★
Huh? Oh... It's you. Don't sneak up on me like that. ★
I don't spend a lot of time thinking about things I'm not interested in. ★
Thank you so much! I’m feeling a lot better, and it’s all thanks to you. ★
Now that I've gotten to know you, I like you a lot! ★
I'm sorry, Father... ★
Well, I'm worried about you. So I decided to protect you. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふっ ★
ねえ、聞いて欲しいことがあるの ★
きゃっ!? もう、びっくりしちゃった。 ★
あたし、むずかしいことはわかんない。 ★
ありがと、おかげで元気が出てきちゃった。 ★
あたし、あなたのこと気に入っちゃった。 ★
ごめんなさい…お父様… ★
あなたのこと心配だから、あたしが守ってあげるの。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
All right!
Hurry it up!
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'll protect you!
No grumbling!
I'm closing the gate!
Hurry up and fight!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm not...finished...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
This outfit is from the Emblian Empire! It looks great on me, doesn't it? ★
Hey! What are you doing?! ★
What's up with this gate-closing power? I don't spend a lot of time thinking about things I'm not interested in. ★
I'm so bored! Come on, I'm sure we can find something fun around here to do! ★
Princess Veronica seems hard to please. Do you think she and I would get along? ★
I'd like to show Father these new clothes too... ★
I love beautiful clothes! Thank you so much. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
うふっ ★
エンブラ帝国の衣装もらったの! 見て見て、似合うでしょ? ★
きゃあっ! もう、なにするの!? ★
扉を閉じる力って何? むずかしいことはわかんない。 ★
ふぁーあ…たいくつしちゃった。あたしと遊ばない? ★
ヴェロニカ皇女って気難しそうよね。仲良くできるかな? ★
新しい服、神父様にも見てほしいな… ★
きれいな服は大好き! どうもありがと! ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Got it!
I'm off!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Tailtiu: Thunder Noble has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I was right! But it’s fine, really. You
know the “me” from another world.
She’s the one you’re worried about.

The thing is, the “me” you’re standing
before right now doesn’t necessarily
have to share that same fate.

Tailtiu: Thunder Noble,
This Life's Light/Tine: Rumbling Thunder