Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

Where am I? I am... Yes... Yes, I am here to...defeat them... I must.

ここはどこだ…? 僕は… ああ、そうだ…僕は… あいつを倒す… そのために…

Castle[ | ]

Won't forgive... Never forgive... The enemy... Yes, my enemy is... Everyone...
I will kill them... I will kill all of them...

許さない… 許さない… 敵… そうだ、敵は皆、全て… 殺す、殺し尽くしてやる…

All the blame...lies with that person... For Mother. For my brother. For the Hoshidan soldiers.
I will not...forgive...

あいつだ、あいつのせいで… 母は、兄さんは、白夜の兵士は… 絶対に許しはしない…

Why are we standing around? Let's go to battle. Kill...the enemy... That is the key...

何をぼうっとしている… さあ、早く出撃しよう… 敵を…倒す。それだけが…

Where is it... Yes... My bow... My precious bow...
It looks...different... But as long as it can kill...

どこだ… そう、弓…僕の、大切な、弓… ここにあったのか… こんな形だったっけ… まあ、敵が殺せるなら、一緒か…

I must...protect Hoshido...along with everyone. Ryoma, Hinoka, Sakura... And...who else? Can't...remember...

僕は、白夜を… 皆と一緒に守りたかった リョウマ兄さん、ヒノカ姉さん、サクラ… あと、誰だ… 思い出せない…

Friend greeting[ | ]

I came here on 【Friend】's order. You don't seem to be my enemy...

【Friend】の指示で来た… 【Summoner】… お前、 僕の敵ではないだろうな…

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

With this... I can kill them all...

これで… あいつらを皆殺しに…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Won't be stopped...


+[0,1] points[ | ]



Ally Growth[ | ]

Yes... Power... I need decimate them all...

そうだ… 力を… あいつらを滅ぼす…力を…

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

What are you doing here, 【Summoner】? It's time for battle. The enemy... Must die. I fight? Because I must... I hear the anger inside me welling up, shouting for me to fight.
Yes... Anger... I cannot enemy! Abandoning us siblings... Abandoning our kingdom...
That person is my enemy. I must... Kill... That's why I... When I jumped from the wall, I... I couldn't be saved...
I was...beyond saving... But if I wasn't saved... How am I here? I? It doesn't matter. None of it matters.
I must enemy... That is all that drives me!

【Summoner】、何をしている。 さあ、早く次の戦いに… 敵を、僕の敵を… 倒さなければ…
何故、戦うのか、だって… 僕は、戦わなければならないんだ… この胸に宿る怒りが、そう叫んでいる…
そう、怒りだ。許せない… 敵! 僕たちきょうだいを、国を見捨てて… 絶対に、絶対に許しはしない…
あいつ、僕の敵… 殺さなければ… そのために僕は… あの城壁から… 飛び降りて… 助かるはずのない…
…あれ…じゃあこの僕は… 何なんだ? ああ、でも… どうでもいいか… 敵を倒す… それだけが…僕の…!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
You're full of yourself!
Die, die, die!
I'll kill you myself.
I will kill my enemies.
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I will... I must…
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Where am I? I can't remember anything... ★
Do you want to be the first to die? ★
Kill... Must kill them. But who? ★
I can hear that song. Azura? ★
Corrin... Ugh. My head, it hurts. ★
I just want to spend time with my family... ★
Until my memories return... I will kill all your enemies. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふん… ★
ここは…どこ…? 何も…思い出せない… ★
…なんだ? あんたから死にたいのか…? ★
殺す…殺してやる… …でも…誰を…? ★
聞こえる…この歌…アクア……? ★
…カムイ… ぐっ…頭が…痛…… ★
本当は…きょうだいとして…一緒に… ★
記憶が戻るまで…あんたの敵は…僕がみんな殺してやる… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'll do it.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Takumi: Empty Vessel has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Betrayal... Betrayal...
I am betrayal!

Takumi: Empty Vessel,
Takumi: Empty Vessel (map)