Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Tiki! I'm going to play with my friend Ninian as much as I can! I can't wait!

わたしはチキ! きょうはおまつりで おねえちゃんにいっぱい遊んでもらうの! すっごく楽しみー!

Castle[ | ]

Tiki: I got so much candy... I'd love to share some with you. Come on!

チキ: ふふっ、いっぱいお菓子もらっちゃった。 わけてあげる、いっしょに食べよ!

Ninian: Tiki is an exceptional girl...
She's broken down the wall between humans and dragons with the power of her smile.

ニニアン: チキは不思議な子です。 その明るさは種族の壁を取り払い 笑顔を繋いでくれる…

Ninian: Thank you for bringing us here...
You've even been nice enough to give us these costumes for the festival!

ニニアン: 【Summoner】様、 ありがとうございます。お祭りのために こんな立派な装束まで用意してくださって…

Tiki: Oh! Xane is here too! He looks like he's up to no good... I need to stop him from playing tricks on people!

チキ: あっ! チェイニーがいるよ! あれはわるだくみをしてる顔… いたずらする前にとめなきゃ!

Ninian: Hehe. Tiki is always so full of energy! It reminds me of when my brother, Nils, was this age.

ニニアン: ふふっ、チキはいつも元気ですね。 弟のニルスにも、こんな時期が あったことを思い出しました。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Tiki: I'm Tiki! I've come from 【Friend】's castle to play!

チキ: わたしチキ! 【Friend】さんの おしろから遊びにきちゃった!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Tiki: What a lot of fun this harvest festival is! I wish it could go on forever!

チキ: しゅうかくさいって楽しいね! ずっとおまつりが続けばいいのに!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Tiki: Rawr! Tricked you by turning into a dragon! Were you frightened?

チキ: びっくりした? 竜に変身するいたずらだよ!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Ninian: Tiki, are you all right? Be careful!

ニニアン: チキ、怪我はありませんか? 無理をしてはいけませんよ。

Ally Growth[ | ]

Ninian: You've made Tiki so happy... Thank you.

ニニアン: チキもとっても喜んでる… ありがとうございます。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Tiki: Thank you for playing with me today, Ninian! I had ever so much fun!
Ninian: I had fun too, Tiki. I only have a little brother, but was like I had a little sister too.
Tiki: Thank you for inviting us to the festival, 【Summoner】.
I've met so many nice people... I was alone for so long, but today has been like a wonderful dream.
I've made more new friends than I could have ever imagined! *sniff*
Ninian: Don't cry, Tiki! I'll stay by your side from now on. I'll make sure you're never alone again. I promise.

チキ: ニニアンおねえちゃん、 今日はあそんでくれてありがとう! とっても楽しかったよ!
ニニアン: いえ…こちらこそ。 わたしには弟しかいないから… 妹ができたみたいで楽しかったです。
チキ: 【Summoner】さんも おまつりに呼んでくれてありがとう。 みんなのこと、もっと好きになっちゃった!
ずっとずっと…ひとりですごしてきたから、 なんだか夢みたい。こんなにたくさん ともだちができて…ぐすっ、うれしいよ…
ニニアン: チキ…大丈夫、わたしたちはこれからも ずっとあなたのそばにいます。 もう一人にはさせないから。約束、ね…

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Duo: Candy, please!
Duo: Ninian! I'm here!
Tiki: Tricky Tiki!
Ninian: It's harvest season!
Audio Transcription
二人: お菓子をちょうだい!
二人: おねえちゃん! ええ
チキ: いたずらしちゃうよ!
ニニアン: 実りの秋です

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I wanted to play more...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Ooh! Hee hee! -
• I'm gonna scare Mar-Mar so bad his hair will turn white!
• Don't go overboard, Tiki.
Audio Transcription Rarity
えへへ…似合う? -
「おにいちゃんを驚かせるの!」「いいのでしょうか…」 -

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Where to?
Mmmm... Yummy!
Boo! Did I scare you?
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Cohort supporting[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'll join the fun.
I'll keep you safe.
Audio Transcription

Duo Skill[ | ]

Audio Transcription
• We're spooky!
• Um...!
• With me!
• Got it!
Audio Transcription

Duo conversation[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Tiki: Ohh, look at it all! I can't believe we got so much candy!
Ninian: Indeed we did... In fact, I daresay the two of us can't eat it all on our own. What a shame.
Tiki: That's no problem! We'll share it with Mar-Mar.
Ninian: You mean Prince Marth? That's a splendid idea. Hmm... Who else might like some?
Tiki: Umm... Maybe Prince Alfonse? And the summoner too!
They're both real nice! They're my favorite people in the whole wide world! Er... The whole wide worlds?
Ninian: Are they now? That's wonderful to hear, Tiki.
Tiki: When I'm feeling lonely, the prince's sister always plays with me too. So let's share with her as well!
But the lady with the ponytail gets grumpy when I eat too many sweets, so maybe not her...
But we can share with the icy princess! And the pale sad lady... and the cute butterfly lady too!
Ninian: Hm, perhaps we'll actually need more candy than we have...
Tiki: What's wrong?
Ninian: Oh, I was just thinking about how many humans you've befriended despite being a dragon like me.
You've set a wonderful example. And I think I'm ready to follow suit... Yet, I must admit I have lingering doubts.
Tiki: Well, don't you worry. If anyone's mean to you, Mar-Mar will beat 'em up! Like... Boom! Bam!
Oh, it's lunchtime! Humans love eating together. It's the best way to make friends! Come on!
Ninian: Hehe, is that so? Then let's see just how good an impression candy for lunch can make...
Audio Transcription
チキ: 見て見て、お菓子が こんなにいっぱい集まったよ!
ニニアン: 本当に…わたしたちだけでは 食べきれませんね。 どうしましょう…
チキ: じゃあ、マルスのおにいちゃんに 分けてあげようよ。
ニニアン: マルス王子に? それはいいですね。 でもまだ…ほかには誰かいませんか?
チキ: えーっとね… アルフォンスのおにいちゃんと 召喚師さん!
ふたりともね、とっても優しいんだよ。 チキ、だーいすき!
ニニアン: ふふ、そうなんですか。 仲良しなんですね。
チキ: うん! あとね、シャロンおねえちゃんは いつも遊んでくれるの。
あ、でもアンナおねえちゃんは おやつ食べ過ぎると怒るから、 ちょっと怖いの。
あと、フィヨルムおねえちゃんでしょ、 エイルおねえちゃんと ピアニーおねえちゃんと…
ニニアン: …………
チキ: どうしたの? ニニアンおねえちゃん。
ニニアン: いえ…同じ竜なのに、 あなたはたくさんの人間に 心を開いているのですね。
わたしも見習わなければと思ったんです。 まだ…少し怖いけど…
チキ: 大丈夫だよ! ちょっと怖い人もいるけど… でも、おにいちゃんが助けてくれるから。
だからニニアンおねえちゃんも怖くないよ。 みんなと一緒に、お菓子食べよ?
ニニアン: そうですね。 じゃあ、まず最初の一歩… お菓子を皆さんに配りに行きましょう。

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Tiki: Harmonic Hope has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

But...when I was sad, my friend
Mar-Mar helped me...

So this time, I wanted to help
someone, but...I couldn't.

Tiki: Harmonic Hope,
Our Hands Clasped/Story