Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Zephiel, Prince of Bern. I hope to take in the winter festival. I am most interested in foreign customs.

私はベルン王国王子ゼフィール。 異国の冬祭り…とても興味深い。 私も参加させて欲しい。

Castle[ | ]

Father and Mother hale, Guinivere chipper as a songbird... No gift could mean as much to me as these.

父上と母上が息災で ギネヴィアがいつも笑ってくれたら… それが私にとって一番の贈り物だ。

Bred to the throne, I was never permitted to enjoy a festival such as this one. Yet here I am.

王国を継ぐ者として育てられた私は このような祭りに興じることなど 許されはしなかったのだが…

What is it that you seek at the winter festival? I would be most interested to hear your answer.

【Summoner】、 冬祭りに何を求める? 後学のために聞かせてくれないか。

I must mind my comportment. If my behavior is amiss, please point it out. I am still learning how to carry myself.

私の振る舞いにおかしなところがあれば 遠慮せずに指摘してほしい。 学ぶことが、私の務めなのだから。

There is a group of heroes to whom I owe my very life. Would that I could show my gratitude with a gift this day.

以前、私は 命を救われたことがある… 彼らにも贈り物を授けねばな。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I am Zephiel, Prince of Bern. I have come to deliver a winter festival gift on behalf of 【Friend】.

私はベルンの王子、ゼフィール。 【Friend】より 冬祭りの贈り物を届けに参じた。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

May this light shine on all of Bern!


+[2,3] points[ | ]

I derive no satisfaction from this mediocre performance.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

The cold numbs my hands.


Ally Growth[ | ]

The warmth with which you have treated me will ever flicker in my heart.

温かい心遣い、 しかと私の胸に刻むとしよう。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

This winter festival has touched me deeply. I should like Guinivere, my younger sister, to experience it.
Caring for each other, giving freely to one another... That is the very picture of how things should be.
Those of us whose lives are filled with conflict find that our hearts naturally harden...
I would hope to create a world that does not suffer such harshness.
Sadly, I do not yet know how to do it. Still, I do believe, in my heart of hearts, that it can be done.
Once I discover the means, I do hope that you will lend your strength to my endeavor, 【Summoner】.

冬祭り…実に興味深い催しだった。 妹のギネヴィアにも見せてやりたい、 実に美しい祭りだ。
皆が大切な人を思いやり 贈り物を届け合う…これこそが 人として正しい在り方だ。
戦に明け暮れてばかりでは 人の心はやせ細ってしまう。 そう…戦いのない世界こそが必要だ。
今の私にはその方法が わからないが…きっとできるはずだ。 争いのない世界をつくることが。
もしもそのときが来たら、 【Summoner】… ぜひ力添えしてもらいたい。

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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A sacred occasion.
Blessings upon Bern!
Consider this a gift.
Does this strike your fancy?
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Ahhh... ★
I am Zephiel, Prince of Bern. I am eager to learn about this new world. ★
Father never permitted frivolity of any kind, so I am glad for the chance to wear such an outfit. ★
What a beautiful and spirited celebration. Perhaps I will hold an event like this in Bern. ★
What gift should I give Guinivere? Hm... A fluffy toy fox, perhaps. ★
I hear that good children receive gifts during the festival. What a nice way for parents to express their love. ★
Father, Mother, Guinivere... I wish we could spend this holy night together, as a family. ★
I had quite an entertaining evening, and it is all thanks to you. I am grateful. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふ… ★
私はベルンの王子ゼフィール。新たな世界で見聞を広めたいと思う。 ★
余興は父上が許されなかったから…こうして衣装を着られるのは嬉しい。 ★
幻想的で美しい祭りだ。我がベルンでもぜひ催したいものだな。 ★
ギネヴィアへは何を贈ろうか。子ぎつねのぬいぐるみはどうだろう。 ★
よい子供には枕元に贈り物が…。両親の愛を感じられる祭りなのだな。 ★
父上、母上、ギネヴィア…家族みんなで聖夜を過ごせたら…… ★
そなたのおかげで、このような楽しい夜を過ごせること。感謝している。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I shall trust you.
Is something amiss?
They will see.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Zephiel: Winter's Crown has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Ah! Look. The town is aglow once
more. The festival must have
resumed. Shall we return?

Zephiel: Winter's Crown,
For a Smile/Story