Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Henry! I want candy...but blood is good, too! Send your enemies my way, so I can play my tricks on them.

僕はヘンリ―! 収穫祭おめでと~! お菓子も欲しいけど、血も欲しいな~! 敵にイタズラして、奪ってきてもいい~?

Castle[ | ]

Shouldn't the Order of Heroes get into the spirit of things? I could scare up a costume for you...
I have some animal pelts and bones lying around. Those might work for... something!

特務機関のみんなは仮装しないの~? 良かったら僕が何か用意しようか? 大きな動物の皮とか、被れそうな骨とか!

Ylisse's harvest festival was fun, but the one I went to in the Outrealms— wow!
I taught Ricken and Frederick all about dark magic.

イーリスの収穫祭も楽しかったけど、 前に行った異界の収穫祭も楽しかったな~! フレデリクとリヒトに闇魔法を勧めてさ~。

Nice work out there. You don't have to be such a goody-goody, though.
You should play some tricks on people sometimes... Have a little fun! Nya ha ha!

あはは、いつも任務お疲れさま~。 でも、ずっといい子でいる必要はないよ~? たまには悪戯でもして楽しんじゃえ~!

It's a harvest festival, right? So we should go harvest some candy!
Or maybe you'd rather harvest the heads of our enemies... I'm up for either one!

収穫祭だし、お菓子を集めに行こうよ~。 それとも、敵の首を集める方がいい? ふふっ、僕はどっちでも大歓迎だけど~!

I'm working on a hex that will kill all of our enemies. I just need the fresh blood of one hundred people...

敵をみ~んな殺す呪いを考えてるんだ~。 できたらすっごく便利なんだけど… 百人分の生き血が必要なんだよね~。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Give me some candy, or I'll cast a hex on you! Just kidding. Nya ha ha! I'm only here to deliver a greeting.

お菓子くれなきゃ呪っちゃうよ~! …なんてね~。今日は君へのご挨拶を 届けに来ただけだから安心して~。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Let's see somebody try to play a trick on me now! Nya ha ha!

今の僕にイタズラさせたら 大変なことになっちゃうかもね~!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Ghoulish strength flows through me! Yay!

わ~い! 強いオバケになれたよ~!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Nya ha ha! Guess I need to drink some more blood!

あはは~。 ちょっと血が足りなかったかな~?

Ally Growth[ | ]

Ooh... You've made me stronger. I'll hex lots of enemies now!

僕のこと強くしてくれたの~? じゃあたくさん敵を呪わないとね~!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Something just popped into my head. I was wondering what kind of harvest makes you the happiest!
Do you love to mow down your enemies? Or would you rather harvest hard-to-get Heroes?
Of course, I love to kill my enemies. But being harvested by you was a bounty for me!
If I didn't meet you, my harvest festival would have ended after a single day. My days as a bloodsucker...
They'd be dead and buried! Nya ha ha!
That's why I'm so grateful to you. So I'll keep on hexing and killing. You can reap the rewards!

ねえねえ【Summoner】~。 最近ふっと思うんだけどさ~、 君にとって一番うれしい収穫って何~?
敵をたくさん殺すのが収穫? みんなが強くなることが収穫? それとも珍しい英雄が手に入ることかな~?
僕はもちろん敵を殺すのが収穫だけど、 いちばんは君に召喚されたことだよ~。 だって、もし君に会えなかったら…
収穫祭は一日でおしまいだったでしょ? 血を吸うのもこの格好も一夜の夢… あはは、そんなのつまらないよね~。
だから君には感謝してるんだ~。 君のためなら僕、たくさん呪って殺して 色んなもの収穫してあげるから見ててね~!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Trick or treat!
Scary monster!
Here, have a trick!
I'll drink your blood!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Ohhhh... Heh heh.
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heehee ★
Candy candy...or cursey cursey! ★
People put on all sorts of crazy costumes for the harvest festival in Ylisse! ★
This crow is my good friend. Pretty as ink, don'tcha think? ★
I love a spooky festival, especially one with scary ghosts...and the Risen, all drenched in the good stuff! ★
Ah, pumpkin heads. Choppity-chop! ★
Dying is just a costume change—and I can't wait to be a ghost. Booooo! ★
Dressing like a monster scares evil spirits away. I don't want them to get at you, so count on get at them. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
えっへへ~ ★
お菓子くれなきゃ呪っちゃうよ~ ★
イーリスの収穫祭は仮装をして楽しむんだ~ ★
このカラスは友達なんだ、真っ黒でかわいいでしょ~ ★
こわーいお化けに血まみれ屍兵! 僕、こういうお祭り大好きだよ~ ★
かぼちゃの生首を置いておくなんて、とっても趣味がいいと思うな~ ★
僕はいつも黒いから、死んだら真っ白なお化けになりたいな~ ★
君はお化けの格好しないの~? じゃあ悪霊に連れ去られないよう僕が守ってあげるね~ ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Henry: Happy Vampire has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

You look like you want to enter the
competition. Beware! It's not going to
be easy to reap this harvest...

But...if you do manage to kill me,
don't worry! I won't mind at all!
Nya ha!

Henry: Happy Vampire,
Creatures of the Night/Story