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General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal


The name's Kaden. Tell me, do you know about the kitsune, the most beautiful race in the world?

ボクはニシキ。 キミは世界一美しい種族、 妖狐のことを知ってるかい?


Check out my tail! What's with yours, anyway, Keaton? Shouldn't you take better care of it?

ボクは今、ツヤツヤに毛づくろい中なんだ。 フランネルもせっかく尻尾があるんだし、 ちゃんと手入れをした方がいいと思うけど…

I lived in peace in the kitsune hamlet for a long time. Fighting makes me a little nervous!

ボクは長いあいだ 妖狐の里で平和に暮らしてきたから 戦うのは緊張しちゃうな~。

You made the right call to take me shopping! No one in the whole world has an eye for aesthetics like mine!

買い物なら、ボクに任せるといいよ。 なんたって、ボクほど 美意識の高いヤツはそうはいないからね!

Daily grooming is essential if you want your hair to look beautiful. Let me show you how it's done.

毎日の毛づくろいが美しい毛並みを 作るんだ。上手なやり方、 キミにも教えてあげるよ。

I'm grooming the pegasi... Their manes are so glossy and beautiful!

天馬たちの毛づくろいを してあげているんだよ。 このツヤツヤの毛並み…美しいだろう?

Friend greeting

Hello there, 【Summoner】! I am here for 【Friend】! Stay close, you two!

やあ、【Summoner】! 親友の【Friend】から 挨拶を預かってきたよ!

Leveling up

+[4,5] points

Even my tail is in perfect condition! OK, go on, then. Praise me! More! More!

尻尾のツヤも絶好調! ほらほら、もっと褒めておくれ!

+[2,3] points

I must further develop my eye for aesthetics.

ボクの美意識は まだまだ満足しないよ。

+[0,1] points

Huh. Maybe I've lost my claws and turned into a pet fox...


Ally Growth

Talk about glossy, am I right?


5★ LV. 40 conversation

What a gorgeous and fun castle you have here, 【Summoner】!
It's full of interesting and friendly people. What fun!
I want to pay you back for summoning me to such an amazing place. I insist!
Oh, don't tell me that I don't need to. I really want to! Try and think of something you want, OK?
There must be SOMETHING you'd like me to do for you. Don't be shy! Tell me what it is.

【Summoner】 このお城はとっても 楽しい場所だね!
ここにいるヒトたちは みんな親切で面白くて ボクは大好きだよ!
こんな素晴らしい場所に 連れてきてくれたキミには、 ぜひ恩返しをしないとね!
いらないって… それじゃあボクの気がすまないよ! 何か考えておくれ!
ほら、何かしてほしいことの 一つや二つくらいあるでしょ? ほらほら、遠慮しないで!


Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription


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Special trigger

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Let's PLAY!
That's too bad!
See you on the other side!
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I'm too gorgeous to die...
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Status page

Audio Transcription Rarity
Ehehe ★
I'm Kaden! As you can see, I'm from the most beautiful race in the world, the kitsune! ★
Tell me, am I cute? Beautiful? I want to hear you say it! ★
Did I already tell you that I can turn into a big, scary fox? ★
Anytime someone's nice to me, I have to be nice in return. ★
I got you a present! What do you think? Isn't it beautiful? ★
Man, it feels great to finally be appreciated. ★
I think I'll stay with you from now on. Tell me, aren't you just deliriously happy to hear that? ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
えへへ ★
はじめまして! ボクはニシキ! 世界一美しい種族、妖狐さ! ★
どうだい? 可愛いかい? 美しいかい!? ★
こう見えてボクは、大きく美しく、強い狐になれるんだ。 ★
ボクはヒトに恩を受けたら必ず返すという主義でね ★
これはボクからの贈り物さ! どうだい、美しいだろう? ★
うんうん。やっぱりヒトに感謝されるのは気持ちがいいものだね! ★
ボクはこれからも一緒にいてあげるよ。どうだい、嬉しいだろう? ★

Turn action

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Sure thing.
I can help!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Kaden: Kitsune Braggart has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

If you really want to know, it'd
probably be easiest to just ask them!

Kaden: Kitsune Braggart,
The Orb Case/Story