Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

My name is Lyndis. Allow me to put this legendary Sacaen bow to use by assisting you.

私はリンディス。 サカ部族に伝わるこの弓で、 役に立ってみせるわ。

Castle[ | ]

My mother was a noble, but she fell in love with a man from the plains, and they eloped.

母さんは貴族の生まれだったけど、 草原の民の父さんと駆け落ちしたの。 そして、私が生まれた…

My father was chieftain of the Lorca tribe. I wanted to protect our people in his stead, I'm the last of us.

父さんはロルカ族の族長だったの。 私は父さんのかわりに部族を 守りたかったけど…でも、だめだった。

Allow me to take over some of your responsibilities so you can get some extra sleep.
When morning comes, I'll make sure you wake up on time.

あなたが休めるように 私に何か手伝えたらいいんだけど… …朝起こしてあげる、とか?

This is Mulagir, the bow of swift wind, and one of the legendary weapons.
I hear it was once wielded by a woman named Hanon.

これは、疾風の弓【ミュルグレ】… 神将器と呼ばれる特別な武器。 使い手はハノンという女性だったそうよ。

To train one's sight upon a moving target from atop a galloping horse and then strike with perfect accuracy.
Common practice for people of the plains.

動く馬上から 動く的を狙って…射つ。 草原の民ならこれくらいは、ね。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Greetings from 【Friend】. I hope you'll continue—
Oh? Excuse me if my manners seem a bit off...

【Friend】から挨拶よ。 これからも…あ、礼儀作法が 変だったらごめんなさい。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Father, Mother... Watch over me.

父さん、母さん、 見ていてね…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

It's as if this bow is guiding me...

この弓が、 私を導いてくれるみたい…

+[0,1] points[ | ]

I must be careful to remain atop my horse.

馬から落ちないように 気をつけるわ…

Ally Growth[ | ]

Thank you. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations.

嬉しいわ。 あなたの期待に応えたい。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Two types of blood run through my veins: that of a noble household, and that of the Sacaen Plains.
I hold these two sides in equal importance. This heritage is what makes me who I am, but moreover...
It allows me to feel as though my father and mother look after me still.
And should I someday be wed and have children of my own, I'll watch over them in turn.
Hm... That's a strange thing to think about at a time like this, isn't it? I could die tomorrow, after all.
But maybe that's why I think about such things. Someone to carry on my parents' bloodline...
And their happiness.

私には二つの血が流れている。 侯爵家の貴族の血と… 草原の部族の血…
どちらも、私…私にとって大切なもの。 父さんと母さんが、私をずっと 見守っていてくれる…そう感じるの。
いつか、私が誰かと結ばれて、 子供ができたら… その子を見守ってあげたい…
…なんてね。 明日死ぬかもしれない戦争中に、 変なこと考えちゃった。
でも、こんな時だから、考えるの。 この血を継ぐ未来の子… その子の幸せのこと…

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Prepare yourself!
I won't miss!
Bow of Sacae!
Find your target!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Father... Mother...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Hmmm... ★
You think this outfit suits me? Thanks. ★
If you want to use a bow, first quiet your mind and let your body relax... ★
I was having a dream, and in that dream, you saved me... ★
You REALLY remind me of another tactician I know. ★
My father was an incredibly skilled horseman and a great shot with a bow, too. ★
Father... Mother... Are you watching over me? ★
You're special to me. That feeling has been building for a long time. It crept up on me. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
うーん ★
この格好、似合ってる? ありがと。 ★
弓を使う時は、心静かに、体の力を抜いて… ★
夢を見たの。あなたが、私を助けてくれる夢… ★
あなたやっぱり、私の知ってる軍師に似てるわ… ★
馬の乗り方も、弓も、父さんはすごく上手だったわ。 ★
父さん…母さん…見ていてくれる? ★
ずっと前から…あなたは私の大切な人よ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
The enemy!
Stay close.
Audio Transcription

Map selection[ | ]

This Brave Hero has a chance a to trigger a unique voice line when selecting a map to battle in with the Hero deployed, if playing with English voices.
Audio Transcription
I'll be your peerless warrior!

Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Wind feeds the flame.
To ashes!
Can you take the heat?
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
It's too hot...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
So this is how they dress in Múspell, Kingdom of Flame. How do I look? ★
If you continue to sneak up on me, you're going to get burned. Is that something someone in this outfit would say? ★
I feel a kinship between the wind and the flame. ★
The king of Múspell is fearsome, but the princesses appear to be good people. ★
I so rarely wear clothes of this color, but I find I like it. Black and red pair well together, don't they? ★
I must never let my own strength get in the way of my good judgment. ★
Allow me to bolster your strength as the wind bolsters the flame. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
うふふ ★
これは炎の国ムスペルの衣装なんですって。似合う? ★
きゃっ!? もう、やけどしちゃうわよ? なんてね。 ★
炎と風って、どこか近いものを感じるわ… ★
ムスペルの…王様は怖いけど、王女様たちはいい人みたいね。 ★
こういう色の服、ほとんど着ないわ。赤と黒ってかっこいいわよね。 ★
強くなっても、力に溺れることのないように自分を戒めなきゃ。 ★
炎を運ぶ風のように烈しく…あなたのために戦いたい。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Where to?
I will depart.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Lyn: Brave Lady has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Oh, hadn’t you heard? There are
many versions of me, summoned
from other realms...

There’s more than one Elibe, you
know. That’s what I’ve heard from

It’s because there are countless
realms, and many of them have
their own Elibe.

Lyn: Brave Lady,
Charting a Path/Kent: Crimson Shield