Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am the Demon King... I know nothing of human frailty. I am supreme...

我は魔王… 人の弱さを知らぬ 強く完全なる王…

Castle[ | ]

When I sacrifice this flesh and return to my body of old...this world will be the domain of Demon King Fomortiis!

この身を贄とし、復活を果たす… そのときこそ 世界は魔王フォデスに支配される…

Is the Demon King controlling me? Or has he simply clawed his way into the dark corners of my mind?

この身が魔王に支配されたのか… それとも… この心が魔王を取り込んだのか…

The human heart is an abyss... Deep, dark, and full of hidden pockets in which jealousy can fester unabated...

人の心は深淵… これほどまでに 暗く、深く、激しい…

I will grant all your dark wishes, Lyon. To crush claim Eirika... Need I go on?

リオン、貴様の夢は我が叶えてやる。 エフラムを打ち倒し、エイリークを 手に入れる…それが望みであろう?

Ephraim, Eirika... Leave me! If you do not, I... No! I can't let it happen...

エフラム…エイリーク… 僕から…離れて…でないと僕は… きっと君たちを…

Friend greeting[ | ]

Rejoice. Embrace the darkness...

【Summoner】よ… 【Friend】の城は 我が暗黒へと沈めてやろう…ククク…

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

My plans draw ever closer to bearing fruit... Yes, it will not be long now...

我が願いが叶う時が… 刻一刻と近づいている。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

The resurrection of the Demon King is close at hand...


+[0,1] points[ | ]

How disappointing... To think this frail form cannot manage so simple a task...

脆い…この程度の力を 受け止めることもできぬとは…

Ally Growth[ | ]

You would grant me...even further power?


5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I know not by what power you managed to summon me here...but whatever your aim, it is too late.
This frail flesh is Lyon's no longer. That weakling's very soul has been all but consumed.
I see the remains of the foolish hope in your eyes. Such a spark should be easy enough to extinguish.
But perhaps a bit of fun first... This contract of yours binds me to battle your enemies, does it not?
Very well... But when the end comes, Askr and the rest of this wretched world will cower before me! Gehaha!

貴様がどういう算段で 我をこの地に招いたかは知らんが… もうすべては手遅れだ。
この身はすでにリオンのものではない。 あの弱き皇子の心は すでに我が食らい尽くした。
貴様…その目はなんのつもりだ。 まさかまだ、希望を 抱いているとでもいうのか…?
ふん、良かろう。 契約通り、我はこの地に押し寄せる 敵を蹴散らしてやろう。
しかし、すべてが終わった暁には… この国も、この世界も、すべてを 恐怖に沈めてやるぞ。くくく…はははっ!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Do you challenge me?
The time has come...
Too brittle, too weak!
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Defeat[ | ]

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I wanted to be you, Ephraim...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heh heh heh... ★
Lyon, o prince of misery... This body is lost to you. It is mine to compel... ★
Hmph! Keep your wretched hands off me, human, or you may well lose them. ★
I've had my fun pretending to be human, but the need for charades has passed. ★
Do you really not know me? How poorly educated you are! ★
I am the Demon King... I know nothing of human frailty. I am supreme. ★
I will now grant you all of your darkest wishes! ★
...Hmph. Looks like I was wrong to disregard the value of human emotions. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
くくく… ★
リオン…哀れな皇子よ。この身はすでに我が依り代…我がものだ… ★
ほう…人間ごときが我に触れるか。命がいらぬと見える。 ★
人間のふりも存外に楽しいものであったが、もはやその必要もないか。 ★
我を知らぬと? 浅学なやつもいたものだな。 ★
僕は魔王…人の弱さを知らぬ強く完全なる王… ★
エフラムはお前が妬んだ男…エイリークはお前が欲した女… ★
…ふん。なかなかどうして、人の情というものは侮れんな? ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Tear them to shreds.
Keep up.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Lyon: Demon King has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I was...unable to resist the call of
the Demon King. His influence has...
corrupted me.

There little of my old self
left now.

I can hardly tell...where I end,
and he begins...

Lyon: Demon King,
Peaceful Ends/Lyon: Demon King