Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Maribelle, of the Shepherds. I will lend you my aid if you so desire.

わたくしはマリアベル。 クロム自警団の一員ですのよ。 お望みなら手を貸して差し上げますわ。

Castle[ | ]

Sharena is quite good humored, don't you agree? Perhaps I'll invite her and Lissa both for tea...

シャロンさんってとても気さくですのね。 今度お茶会にお誘いしたいですわ… 当然、リズと貴方も一緒ですわよ。

I'm with a group known as the Shepherds. A noblewoman such as myself must help preserve the peace.

国では自警団に所属していましたわ。 名門貴族の人間であれば当然、 領民の平和のために尽くすべきですもの。

You always seem so busy. Please, leave the patrols to me.
I shall deliver a sound thrashing to any unsavory individuals I should happen across.

いつもお忙しそうですけれど、 見回りならわたくしにも任せてくださいな。 曲者は杖でボッコボコにしておきますわよ。

Awright then, pet? Everythin' luvverly jubberly, ain't it?
Why are you giving me that ghastly look? I was merely practicing slang used by commoners in my homeland.

へい、兄弟! 調子はどうだい? …あら、なんですのその顔は。 これはわたくしの国の庶民の挨拶ですのよ。

Of course studying is expected of a noblewoman, but I do it so I can fulfill my dream of becoming a magistrate.

少しお勉強をしていましたわ。 貴族の嗜み…と言いたいところですが、 わたくしの夢は法務官になることですから。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Stand up straight! I've come all this way with a gift from your friend 【Friend】.
The very least you could do is look presentable when you accept it.

【Friend】さんからの ご挨拶を届けに参りましたの。 ありがたく受け取りやがれですわ。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

One step closer and I'll be forced to maim you.

わたくしに近づくと ケガしますわよ?

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Results such as these are rather easy for me to come by.

まあ、このくらいは 朝飯前ですの。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

This is completely unacceptable.

どうしてもっと 上がりませんの…?

Ally Growth[ | ]

I'll perform even more brilliantly from now on.

これまで以上に活躍してみせますわ。 期待していてくださいまし。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Goodness me, that slack posture of yours simply will not do. Aren't you some sort of great hero in this world?
Then you should carry yourself accordingly.
You must straighten your neck like so, and puff out your chest with pride. No, no, that is ALL wrong!
Imagine yourself bound tightly to a rod that keeps you stiff from head to toe.
Well! I see you can do it if you truly apply yourself. I suppose you have a decent base to work from...
Even just a tiny improvement can make a world of difference.
As a noblewoman, I do not care to follow anyone who lacks the proper decorum. You, however...
Even as you are now, I would follow you to the end.
Now, let us have a small break and partake of some tea, shall we? I use only the highest quality herbs.
And since you did so well with your posture, I won't even scold you for your dreadful tea-drinking manners!

なんですの、その腑抜けた姿勢は。 貴方は異界の大英雄という身分なのですから もっとこうシャキッとした方が良いですわよ。
首はこう、胸はもっと張って… ああもう、そうじゃねーですわ! もっと頭頂から吊られているような感じで…
そう! やればできるじゃありませんの。 貴方は元が良いんですから、 そうしているだけで随分マシに見えますわよ。
わたくしは貴族ですから、品のない者に 付き従いたくはないのですけれど… 今の貴方にならそうしても良いですわ。
さ、では茶でもしばいて一息入れますわよ。 わたくしの紅茶は絶品ですの。 特別に、マナーは不問といたしますわ。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Big mistake.
I will RUIN you!
I'm afraid you're dead meat.
You have angered me. C'mere!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
You brute.
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Mind how you play! ★
I want you at your very best! ★
Tell me, is Lissa here? She's a dear friend of mine. ★
You touched me! Without saying a thing! Do people in your world consider that some sort of greeting? ★
Your summoning skills are so valuable. I have to admit—they're very impressive! ★
Hmm. Perhaps a tea party is just the thing! ★
If you have a sincere desire to improve your bearing, I'll take it on myself to instruct you. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
うふふ ★
お気をつけあそばせ ★
がんばってくださいませ ★
リズはいませんの? わたくしの大親友ですのよ ★
!? いきなり触れるだなんて…これがこの世界の挨拶ですの? ★
あなたの召喚の力は認めていますわ、大したものですわね ★
なんだか、お茶会を開きたい気分ですわ… ★
あなた、立ち居振る舞いを磨く気はありませんこと? 宜しければわたくしが教育して差し上げますわよ ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'll do it!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Maribelle: Dire Damsel has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Now is the time! Do it!

Maribelle: Dire Damsel,
Depths of Despair/Chrom: Fell Exalt