Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

Hi, I'm Mia—and this is Marth! Seems we share a connection... Our love of the beach in summer!

あたしはワユ、こっちはマルスさん! あたしたち、何かと縁があるんだ。 夏の海、楽しんじゃうからね!

Castle[ | ]

Marth: It's so hot. Maybe if I just took this mask off... Ah! But my identity! Ugh...

マルス: 暑い…この仮面、外したほうが いいのでしょうか…いや、それだと 隠し続けた正体が…うう…

Marth: Why was I summoned with Mia, and why are we wearing swimsuits? What could fate have in store for us?

マルス: 僕とワユが、どうして同時に召喚され しかも水着姿だったのか… 運命は僕たちに、なにを求めている…?

Mia: Should I say something to Marth? ...If that mask stays on, there'll be one WEIRD tan line underneath.

ワユ: マルスさんに言った方が良いかな? 仮面をつけたままじゃ 仮面の形に日焼けしちゃうよ、って……

Mia: As warriors, we should compete! How about...a watermelon-smashing contest! ...I'm first up!

ワユ: せっかく剣士が二人いるんだし スイカ割りで勝負しよう! んじゃ、あたしが先攻ね!

Mia: I've always wanted to try wearing an outfit like this... I have to show the other mercenaries!

ワユ: 一度こんな水着 着てみたかったんだよねー! 傭兵団のみんなにも見てもらおうっと!

Friend greeting[ | ]

Marth: I am Marth. If you are curious why I'm wearing this outfit... See this note from 【Friend】.

マルス: 僕はマルス。こ、この格好には事情が…。 【Friend】からの 書簡、お受け取りください。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Mia: Summer is my time of year! C'mon, Marth, let's have some fun!

ワユ: 夏はあたしの季節だね! ほらほら、マルスさんももっと楽しもうよ!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Marth: I will not be caught off guard... regardless of the outfit!

マルス: 水着だろうと油断はしない…!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Marth: My apologies! Is there...anything I can do to fix this?

マルス: す、すまない! 今は持ち合わせが… え? お金の問題じゃない?

Ally Growth[ | ]

Marth: A summertime gift? I will treat it with utmost care.

マルス: 夏の贈り物だね、 大切にさせてもらうよ。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Mia: This has been so much fun! Don't you agree, Marth? You enjoyed the beach too, right?
Marth: ...Yes, I did. Though, spending time at the beach in the middle of a war does give me pause...
Mia: No need for that. It's important to have fun once in a while—and this is one of those onces!
If we're always training and working and fighting, we won't have any time for enjoying ourselves!
Marth: Hm... You make a fair point. In that case, I'll follow your lead and do my best to have fun!

ワユ: いやー、遊んだ遊んだ! マルスさんはどう? 夏の海、楽しめた?
マルス: …ああ。 戦いのさなかに海遊びというのは 申し訳ない気もするけれど…
ワユ: 遠慮する必要なんてないよ。 今、楽しいって感じる、 その気持ちが大事だって!
ずーっとしんどいことばっかりじゃ、 気持ちも滅入っちゃうでしょ? だから、楽しめる時は楽しまなきゃ損、損!
マルス: そ、そうだね… 僕もワユを見習って、 精一杯、楽しんでみるよ。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Summer time!
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

Audio Transcription
So cold!
Audio Transcription

Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Duo: Tropical attack!
Duo: It's a duel! I'm here too!
Mia: Summer is the best!
Marth: Vanish beneath the waves!
Audio Transcription
二人: 南国アターック!
二人: 競争しよ! 負けないよ!
ワユ: 夏ってサイコー!
マルス: 沈めてみせる!

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I lost? No!
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Giggle -
• "So, how do you like your swimsuit?"
• "Appropriate to this adventure."
Audio Transcription Rarity
へへっ -
「どう? あたしたちの水着」「に、似合うだろうか…」 -

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
The sand is rather hot!
Audio Transcription

Cohort supporting[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Take care not to burn.
I am here with you.
Audio Transcription

Duo Skill[ | ]

Audio Transcription
• "Let's go!"
• "Let's."
• "The waves are astounding!"
• "I'm diving in!"
Audio Transcription

Duo conversation[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Mia: Woo boy, is it hot!
Marth: Very much so...
Mia: OK. I don't know how to put this, so I'll just say it. Turns out you were a girl this whole time! Talk about a surprise!
Marth: Please do not make such a fuss about it.
Mia: Sorry! It's've still got your mask on. It's a little weird, right?
Marth: Weird!? There are many masked Heroes. Are there not?!
Mia: Well, yes... But who wears a mask with a swimsuit?
Marth: I see your point. I had fervently wished to enjoy the ocean, but...
I suppose fate had something else in store. I'll go change out of this swimsuit immediately.
Mia: Wait, what? Why not just take off the mask?
Marth: That I simply cannot do. I must never reveal my face...
Mia: Uh, really? Really really?
Marth: Indeed. And I had so looked forward to building sandcastles, splashing in the waves... *sigh*
Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall go.
Mia: Hey, wait a minute! I didn't mean— You don't have to— Hey!
Look, it's a little weird... No, it's really weird! But that's OK! Let's just swim. Forget I said anything!
Marth: Are you sure? I thank you.
Mia: Don't worry about it! Come on, don't cry!
About the only thing you'll have to worry about is a really weird suntan on your face... Come on! I'll race you!
Audio Transcription
ワユ: いやー、暑いねー!
マルス: そうだね…
ワユ: ていうか、マルスさんって女だったんだ。 へー…
マルス: あ、あまりジロジロみないでくれないか。
ワユ: いや、あの…仮面取らないの? 変だよ。
マルス: 変!? この世界には、 仮面をつけた英雄はたくさんいるじゃないか。
ワユ: 確かにいるけどさ、 水着になっても仮面つけてる人は さすがにいないって。
マルス: そ、そうか…。 僕も、みんなと同じように 海を楽しみたいと思ったんだけど…
ワユ: え、そっち? あたしは仮面を取ればって 言いたかったんだけど。
マルス: それはできない。 この仮面だけは、 外す訳にはいかないんだ!
ワユ: そ、そんなに大事なの!? その仮面。
マルス: ああ。 海…スイカ割り…花火…楽しそうだな… …服を着るよ。
ワユ: うわぁあ、待って! これじゃあたしが悪者みたいじゃん。
いいよいいよ。 ちょっと…いや、かなり変だけど、 気にすることないって。泳ご!
マルス: ワユ…! いいのかい? …ありがとう。
ワユ: 大丈夫大丈夫、泣かなくていいから。
…ちょーっとだけ変な感じに 日焼けしちゃうかもだけど、行こ行こ!

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Mia: Harmonic Blades has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Right. Let's get this over with.
I have more shaved-ice flavors
to try.

Mia: Harmonic Blades,
Finding Fulfillment/Story