Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Nagi... I carry the will of the divine dragon. Tell me...what is your name?

わたしは、ナギ… 神竜の意思を繋ぐ者… あなたの…名前を、おしえて…

Castle[ | ]

I know not why, but...I can allow neither you nor this world to remain as they are now...

わたしにも、わからない… でも、このままにはしておけない… あなたも、この世界も……

A prince of light... A hero of shadow... The light's strength rises to meet the growing darkness...

光の王子…影の英雄… 輝きは、ますます強くなる…… 迫る暗黒が、深いほど…

You, too, follow a mysterious path... That is why I was called here...

あなたも… 不思議な運命に導かれている…… だから、わたしが呼ばれた…

Stand still... Look deep into my eyes... Yes, like that...into my soul itself...

すこし、動かないで… 額を合わせて、わたしの目を… そう、そのまま…魂の底まで…

A...meal? You need not worry about me. I need only to rest from time to time...

食事…? わたしは、大丈夫… ひとときの眠りさえ、あれば…

Friend greeting[ | ]

Another walking a mysterious path... Just like 【Friend】...

【Friend】と…同じ… 不思議な運命をまとう者…… どうか己の影に、とらわれないで…

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Life's flow led to this...

導きのまま…… 感ずる流れのままに…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

This it must be...

これがわたしの… すべきことならば…

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Forgive this...

ごめんなさい、 【Summoner】……

Ally Growth[ | ]

This feeling How curious...

………… 奇妙な……違和感が…

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

You are a mysterious person, walking a mysterious path...
The power flowing within you, hidden... It is most significant.
I know not how to express this feeling in words, and yet...I understand it.
That is why I must remain here... For you.
Yes... For you. To give you what you need is...everything I am.

【Summoner】…… あなたは、不思議… 不思議な運命に…導かれている…
あなたに秘められた力…… その奥にある流れ… すべては……を成し遂げるため。
…… それは、今…言葉にはならない。 けれど、わたしにはわかる……
だから、わたしは… ここにあらねばならない…… あなたのために…
そう…あなたのために。 わたしが、出来ること…… わたしのすべてを……

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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This time, it's over.
You must be stopped.
It's come to this...
I will finish what I started...
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Defeat[ | ]

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I'm sorry...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
(sigh) ★
My name is Nagi. Who...are you? ★
...Yes? Is there...something on your mind? ★
There is little I can recollect… Only that I was called to this place. ★
A sinister presence is at work... I can sense it in this world as well... ★
I was called...and I awoke... ★
I know one thing—I must finish what I started... ★
Your souls called out to me, begging for my help... ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう…… ★
わたしは…ナギ。あなたは…誰? ★
……? なにか…わたしに…伝えたいことが…? ★
わからない…なにも思い出せない…… ★
感じる…邪悪な力…この世界にも… ★
わたしは…あの人に呼ばれて目を覚ました… ★
ひとつだけ…わかる…わたしには…やり残したことが… ★
あなたの魂も…わたしに救いを…だから…呼ばれた… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Let us depart... it?
Yes... Good.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Nagi: Dragon Avatar has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

No, thank you all... Your kindness enough.

Each of you bears a strange destiny...
and you have been brought here for
some purpose...

Do you feel it? In this world...your
destiny can be reshaped...

If you believe in yourself...and your
friends... Someday...

Nagi: Dragon Avatar,
A Time to Shine/Nagi: Dragon Avatar