Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal

Summoning[ | ]

Call me Navarre. I'm a mercenary, but I don't come cheap.

俺はナバール。 俺を雇いたいのか? …好きにしろ。

Castle[ | ]

So this is where the greatest warriors of all the worlds gather?


...You're in my way.

………………。 俺の前に立つな。

Don't waste time talking to me. Focus on the next battle.

俺にかまうな。 次の戦いのことだけを考えろ。

If you don't need anything, I'd like to be on my own.

…なんだ。 用がないなら、俺は行くぞ。

This castle is filled with strange people...yourself included.

この城には変わった連中が多い。 …お前も含めてな。

Friend greeting[ | ]

...Greetings from 【Friend】.


Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Not bad.


+[2,3] points[ | ]

Well, that's that.


+[0,1] points[ | ]



Ally Growth[ | ]

All I do is fight. I don't need recognition.

ただ戦い続けてきただけだ。 功績など、俺には意味がない…

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I usually fight alone. However...
I can imagine a future fighting with all of you.
Never mind. Don't listen to anything I've said.
It's all nonsense, and I blame you for my sentimentality, 【Summoner】.

俺は常に 独りで戦い続けてきた。 だが…
お前たちと共に戦う未来も 悪くないのかもしれん…
…いや、 今の言葉は…忘れろ…
…世迷い言を口にした。 【Summoner】、 お前のせいだ…

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Time to die.
Care to test me?
You or me.
Sorry, friend.
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
This is it.
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
...sigh ★
What? ★
I don't work cheap. ★
I'm busy right now. ★
I'll help, but I don't "chat." ★
I have vowed never to turn a blade on a woman. ★
I doubt there is anyone who can cross blades with me and live. ★
Don't die out there. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
…ふっ ★
…何だ? ★
…俺は高いぞ ★
…邪魔をするな ★
力を貸してやろう ★
俺は女を斬る剣は持たぬ ★
俺の剣を受けられる奴がいるとも思えんが… ★
…お前は、死ぬなよ… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
All right.
Now what?
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Navarre: Scarlet Sword has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote


Navarre: Scarlet Sword,
Thaw of Knowledge/Kagetsu: Onigiri Samurai