Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Nino, a member of the Black Fang! Oh, well...I guess these days I'm just a regular ol' mage.

あたし、ニノ! 【黒い牙】…あっ! じゃなくて、 えっと、ただの魔道士だよ。

Castle[ | ]

I hope you'll read books to me a lot. I'm trying to learn how to read, so every little bit helps!

ねえねえ、この本読んでもらっていいかな? あたし、字が読めないんだ~ だから勉強中なの。

Oh, Lloyd...Linus...and dear old Uncle Legault...

ロイドにいちゃん… ライナスにいちゃん… ラガルトおじさん…

Thanks so much for all you do! Just be sure not to exhaust yourself, OK?

あ、【Summoner】さん! いつもありがと! たまにはゆっくりしてね!

Family important. If I ever have a chance to have my own family, I'd love twins!

家族…かぁ。 いつかあたしも母さんになったら、 双子が欲しいかな…なんてね!

I'd love to try cooking sometime. Sweets, if I can! Think it'd be possible to do that here?

あたしもお菓子作りしてみたいな~ む、無理じゃないよ! きっとできるもん!

Friend greeting[ | ]

Oh, is it you? It must be! You're 【Summoner】, right?
I'm Nino! And I've come to deliver a hello from a friend of yours!

【Summoner】さんだよね。 あたしニノ! 挨拶に来たんだよ!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Now, leave everything to me! I know I can do it!

あたしに任せて! ぜったいうまくやるから!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Now I'll be of more help here!

これなら… みんなの役に立てるよ!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

No! I don't want to be useless forever!

あたし… 役立たずなのかな…?

Ally Growth[ | ]

You know I'll do my best. The Black Fang trained me!

あたしだって【黒い牙】の 一人だもん。がんばる!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I'm so happy to be here, where I can spend time with so many nice people. Every day is so fun.
I had this once before, surrounded by people I loved. They were family.
That life is over, but it was so much fun while it lasted. I'm glad now, thinking back on it.
Those memories were painful for a while, but you helped me remember the good times.
Thank you! I promise to work so very hard for you. Just you wait and see!

あたし、ここにいられてよかった。 いろんな人たちと一緒に過ごして… ほんと毎日楽しいよ。
…前にもね、いたんだ。 あたしにとって大切な仲間。 んと…家族がね。
みんないなくなっちゃったけど… でも、あの頃は楽しかった。 みんな一緒って良いよね。
それを思い出せたのは… あなたのおかげだよ。 ありがと、ね?
お礼に、あたし これからもずっとがんばる! だから、そばで見ててね。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I won't lose! Not me!
I can do this!
I'll do my best!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm sorry...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heehee ★
What do you need? To talk? I'm always up for that! ★
Aaah! Whew! Got scared for a second. ★
I never learned to read very well. You'll help me with that, right? ★
I'll work really hard for you. Cross my heart and hope to die! ★
You can't imagine how happy I am to be here! ★
The Black Fang was my family. I...wonder how the rest of them are doing. ★
I love baked dumplings more than anything! We should find some! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふっ ★
あたしにお話? ★
ひゃっ!? おどかさないでよー ★
字はあんまり読めないんだ ★
あたし、がんばるからねっ ★
あたし、ここにいられて良かった ★
【黒い牙】のみんな、元気かな… ★
焼き菓子だいすきー! ありがとう! ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Do my best!
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Take this!
I can do this!
I'm serious!
Stay down!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Still so learn...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Wow. ★
These clothes are from the Emblian Empire, tee-hee! What do you think of 'em? ★
WHOA! You sure woke me up! You must really like to scare people. ★
This outfit is fun, but my normal clothes are important to me too. They remind me of my brothers... ★
All Jaffar had to say about my clothes was, "Huh." What a stick-in-the-mud! ★
Now that we match, do you think Princess Veronica would talk to me? ★
I hope that here, my brothers can have happy lives, at least... ★
I'm grateful for these nice clothes. They make me so happy! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう… ★
エンブラ帝国の衣装、もらっちゃった! えへへ…似合う? ★
きゃあっ!? びっくりした。もう、いたずら好きなんだからー ★
いつもの服も大好きだよ。にいちゃんたちとの思い出がいっぱいあるから… ★
ジャファルに見せたらフーンだって! つまんないの。 ★
ヴェロニカ皇女に、お揃いの衣装だねって話しかけてみようかな? ★
にいちゃんたち…せめてこの世界では幸せに過ごしてね… ★
新しいお洋服、とっても嬉しいよ! ありがとう。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I can probably do it!
I gotta help out!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Nino: Pious Mage has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

But, Jaffar! Are these people really
and truly bad? Maybe if we try to
talk to them first...

Nino: Pious Mage,
Death and the Child/Story