Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Sue of the Kutolah tribe. The blood of the Hero of the Plains, Dayan, runs in my veins.

私はクトラ族のスー。 草原の勇者ダヤンの血を引く者。 戦いなら、私、役に立てると思う。

Castle[ | ]

The scent of the blowing wind and the warmth radiating from the earth...
All here is different than Sacae. Yet all is good in its own way.

吹く風の香り、地のぬくもり… 何もかもサカ草原とは違う。 けれどここもまた、良いところね。

I fought hard against the invasion of Bern—we all did. But we lost and were scattered...
I will never forget the sight of the blood that stained the earth.

ベルンの侵攻に抗い、果敢に戦った。 だが、力及ばず皆、散り散りに… 流された血の重さを、私は忘れない。

We plains folk have good eyes. I will keep watch for you.

草原の民は目がいい。 見張りの役、私がやろう。

Be still and peaceful, like a flower rooted in the soil, and listen to the voice of the wind.

心静かに座し… 地に咲く花のように、 風の音を聞くの…

I was looking at the stars. The sky here is not that of Sacae, but still, it calms my heart.

天の星を、見ていたの。 サカの空とは違うけれど… こうしていると、心が落ち着くわ。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I am Sue of the Kutolah. I carry with me a message. It is for you, from 【Friend】.

私はクトラ族のスー。 書状を持ってきた。 【Friend】から。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I can hear them... The voices of Father Sky and Mother Earth.

聞こえる…父なる天と 母なる大地の「声」が…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

I know battle.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

Bitter memories...


Ally Growth[ | ]

More will fall to my bow now—I swear on the pride of the Kutolah. Thank you.

ありがとう。 一族の誇りにかけて より多くの敵を討ちましょう。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

The sound of the breeze, the warmth of the sun...
Not long ago, my grandfather told me something. "Discard your ill feeling. Listen to the voices."
Being beside you, I feel the world tremble. Every time that happens, I realize how small my troubles are.
It is hard not to cling to hatred... What I can do is find the courage not to let it imprison me. That is my goal.
The sounds of war the wind carries to me are fearful. I must do what I can to bring silence back quickly.
When the fighting finally reaches its end, I hope that we can ride the plains of Sacae together.

…風の音、陽のぬくもり… 少し前に、じじに言われたの。 わだかまりを捨て天地の「声」を聞け、と。
あなたと行く先々で、 世界の震えを感じるたびに、 自分の悩みの小ささが分かる。
憎しみを捨てることはできないけれど、 それに囚われず、前に進む勇気を持つこと。 改めて、そう思うことができた。
だが、風に紛れて聞こえる争いの音… あれは、やはり、良くない。 だから、早く止めなければ。
いつか、あなたの戦いが終わったら 共にサカの草原を駆けましょう。 楽しみにしているわ。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Carried by the wind!
Father Sky...
Mother Earth...
Breathe in the fresh air...
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
The wind no longer whispers...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
I am Sue of the Kutolah, granddaughter of the Silver Wolf. ★
Is this how the people of your tribe greet one another? ★
The rustling leaves... The raging river... Listen closely, and you'll hear the earth speaking to us. ★
The fate of my tribe forever haunts me. I couldn't save my people. ★
Mother Earth and Father Sky will always protect me. They are the only ones I still trust. ★
The voices of the land and the air echo all around me. They are all I need. I should listen... ★
Never again. I won't stand to lose anyone else. My allies are all I have left. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふ… ★
私はスー。クトラ族族長の孫娘。 ★
…? 今のは何? あなたの部族の挨拶? ★
ふきぬける風…すみきった青空…いろいろなものが私たちに語りかけてくるわ。 ★
私は部族のみんなを救えなかった…今でも忘れられないわ。 ★
たとえどこにいたとしても…母なる大地も、父なる天も消えるわけではないわ。 ★
私はもっと、天や地の「声」に耳を傾けないと… ★
もう、あんな思いはしたくない…私は仲間を…あなたを失いたくない… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm here.
You hear it too?
Their voices...
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Sue: Doe of the Plains has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

No. We should never have to shoot
our fellow man. But the grim reality is
a different story...

Sometimes, it takes an arrow to stop
an arrow. The people of Askr need
our protection. Even if it means...

Sue: Doe of the Plains,
New Foundations/Neimi: Tearful Archer