Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Template-info Documentation

Defines reward information for Hall of Forms.

Common parameters[]

  • count: Amount of the reward given.
  • unit, rarity: If the reward is a Hero, specify its full name and rewarded rarity here.
  • seal: If the reward is a Sacred Seal, specify its skill name here.
  • accessory: If the reward is an accessory, specify its page name here.
  • unit, fbrank: If the reward is a Forging Bonds conversation, specify the Hero's full name and the conversation rank (C / B / A / S) here.
  • item: For all other reward types, specify its page name here.
  • from, to: (Optional) Start and end availability times of the reward. Required for rewards that are not available during the whole event period. More specifically:
    • Rewards given at the end of an event EV should have start time equal to DATE_ADD(EV.EndTime,INTERVAL 1 SECOND) and end time equal to {{MaxTime}}.
    • Daily rewards should use consecutive start times that begin with EV.StartTime and increment by 1 day for each subsequent reward. The end time can be omitted, because all daily rewards become unavailable after the associated event ends.
    • Rewards available during a single round of a event should have start and end times equal to the round's availability period.
Every reward is always associated with an event; if a reward doesn't have a start or end time, the corresponding time from the associated event should be used in queries.

Extra parameters[]

  • chamber: The chamber at which the reward is given. Omitted for daily rewards.

This template defines the table "HallOfFormsRewards". View table.
