Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal

Summoning[ | ]

I am Wrys, a humble curate. I cannot fight, but this staff I carry can heal the wounded.

私は僧侶リフ。 戦いはできませんが 治療の杖が使えます。

Castle[ | ]

This world is so close to the heavens... When you summoned me, I assumed my time had come!

ここは天上に近い神聖な地… あなたに召喚された時は、 お迎えが来たのかと思いましたよ。

I hope the children at the orphanage are doing well without me...

孤児院の子供たちは 皆元気にしているでしょうか…?

I applaud your constant patrols. If I could simply keep up, I would join you, but alas...

見回りですか、お疲れ様です。 私ももっと体が動けば ご一緒できるのですが…

Be careful not to overextend yourself. It's important to take time to simply pause and reflect.

あまりご無理なさらぬよう。 時には一息ついて、 ゆっくりなさることも大事ですよ。

Grooming is simple with a head like mine! If you like, I could give you the same cut...

私のような髪型なら手入れも楽なものです。 よろしければ、 私が頭を丸めてさしあげましょうか?

Friend greeting[ | ]

I am Wrys, a humble curate. I cannot fight, but this staff I carry can heal the wounded.

私は僧侶リフ。 戦いはできませんが 治療の杖が使えます。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I suppose miracles happen after all!

はてさて… 不思議なこともあるものです。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

At my age, this feels like a job well done!

この年にしては 頑張った方でしょう。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Mm. Old age is catching up to me...

いやはや… 老いには勝てませんな…

Ally Growth[ | ]

I see you're a risk taker! I'll try to live up to your expectations.

あなたも物好きな方ですな… ご期待に沿えると良いのですが。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I must admit...being surrounded by so many young people has me pushing myself beyond my years.
But the journey has been very much worthwhile. I have seen that there is still much I can do.
I will keep my prayers with those who have guided me on my way... and that includes you.
Please continue to use this feeble old man in whatever way will help your cause.
Let all be as the gods will.

いやはや… 若い皆さんに囲まれていると、 年甲斐もなく無理をしてしまいます。
ただ私にもまだできることがあると… それを知ることができたこの旅は とても有意義なものだと感じます。
私を導いてくれた皆さん… そしてあなたにも 感謝しなければなりませんね。
老いぼれの身ではありますが、 遠慮なく使ってやってください。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm...not good at this.
My apologies!
Here it comes.
If I must...
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Huhuhu ★
Here to do what I can. ★
May my healing help. ★
Are you injured? Let me help. ★
Oh, my my... ★
How can a humble curate help you today? ★
I wonder how the children are faring back home... ★
I shall attend to your wounds whenever you need. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふふ ★
戦いはできませんが… ★
治療の杖が使えます ★
怪我をなさいましたか? ★
おやおや… ★
私は僧侶リフ ★
子供たちは元気でしょうか… ★
いつでもお怪我を癒しましょう ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Well, well...
Glad to help.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Wrys: Kindly Priest has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I can sense them as well... And they
brought quite a few with them, it
would seem.

Wrys: Kindly Priest,
Dueling Spirit/Basilio: Feroxi West-Khan