Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

My name is Azura. I offer you my song. As for where I'm from? Two kingdoms, in a way... Both Nohr and Hoshido.

私はアクア。 暗夜で生まれ、白夜で育てられた者… 歌の力で、あなたの力になるわ。

Castle[ | ]

Your uniform for this order is so attractive. And it's a lovely match for what I like to wear too!

特務機関の装束は綺麗ね。 私の服も白いから… お揃いみたいで、なんだか嬉しいわ。

I'm sorry to say that I mustn't ever tell you of my homeland. Still, I will be absolutely true to you in battle.

私の出自には秘密があるの… それを言うことはできないのだけれど、 今はこの世界と…あなたのために戦うわ。

There's no knowing for how long you and I will be here. So, friend, let's be sure to take care of each other.

あなたもこの世界に来て日が浅いの? それなら、無理をしないでちょうだいね。 身体を壊したりしたら、心配だわ。

I'm fond of singing, especially while standing in lakes. Believe me, it's far different from singing on battlefields.

泉のほとりで歌うのが好きなの… 今度、聴きに来てくれない? 戦場ではゆっくり歌えないから。

You'll often find me singing. I hope you like songs. They convey truth in ways that the written word cannot.

ちょうど、歌の練習をしていたわ。 歌は時に、言葉よりも雄弁なのよ。 あなたの好きな歌はどんなものかしら?

Friend greeting[ | ]

By any chance, are you perhaps 【Summoner】?
I bring best wishes from our group to yours in the name of 【Friend】.

あなたが【Summoner】【Friend】から挨拶よ。 これからも仲良くしてあげてね。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I must sing in celebration of such wonderful success!

素敵… 一曲歌いたい気分だわ。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Even my voice feels a little stronger!

ふふ…声の調子も 良くなった気がするわ。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Well, every difference makes a ripple.


Ally Growth[ | ]

My heart swells in thanks. I will give you my all!

ありがとう。 またあなたの役に立てるのね。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

You are the ocean's gray waves—♪ So you've come to see me again, 【Summoner】...
You visit so often, I find myself looking for you whenever I am singing. You are a lovely audience.
My song is powerful, but that power is both great and terrible.
It can be used to rally and refresh the spirit...or enslave it.
But it seems the song's power is much less in this world, as is the danger to the singer.
So I can stay by your side to the end. And one day I will tell you of the kingdom of silence I was born in.

ユラリ、ユルレリ… …ふふ、今日も来てくれたのね。 嬉しいわ、【Summoner】
あなたがいつも見ていてくれるから… 歌う時はついあなたの姿を 探すようになってしまったのよ。
…私の歌には、不思議な力があるの。 戦場で使う、仲間を元気づける歌の力や… もっと恐ろしい、心を支配するような力も。
けれど、この世界では… あまり強い力は使えないみたいだわ。 その代わりに、歌で身を滅ぼすこともない。
約束できるわ…最後まで傍にいるって。 いつかあなたに話させてほしい… 私の生まれた、見えざる国のことを。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Time for your final bow.
You're finished!
Now for a showstopper!
Let's cut this short.
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
But, my voice...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heehee ★
We can do this! ★
I have faith in you. ★
Hummed melody for this lyric: "You are the ocean's gray waves." ★
Daybreak always brings new hope. And, if you have long hair, more tangles! ★
There's power fathomless within my pendant. ★
I wonder where this realm is in relation to Nohr and Hoshido, or even... Ah, never mind. ★
I vow to bear you up, like a ship upon the waves, no matter what may come. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふ… ★
頑張りましょう ★
あなたならできるわ ★
ユラリ、ユルレリ…(鼻歌) ★
髪が長いと、朝起きたとき大変なの ★
このペンダントには、不思議な力が秘められているのよ ★
この世界は一体…白夜でも、暗夜でも、あの国でもないなんて… ★
ねえ…私、あなたの力になるわ。 なんだか、そうしなくちゃいけない気がするの… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Let's go.
What can I do?
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Frost consume you!
Cold, are you?
Avalanche's roar!
It's over for you.
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
So cold...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Phew... ★
My name is Azura. These clothes are from Nifl—if you were curious. ★
Yes? Oh, was I supposed to act surprised? Sorry I ruined it. ★
What sorts of songs do they sing in Nifl, I wonder? I'd love to try one out, and see how it feels. ★
The snowscapes of Nifl sound breathtaking. The Kingdom of Ice has a reputation for stark grandeur. ★
Princess Fjorm has quite a few siblings... Almost as many as Corrin and I. ★
Even if they mean little to me, these clothes are lovely to look at. If you suggest I wear them, I have no reason to decline. ★
Being at your side, feeling renewed...I can recall no happier time. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう… ★
私はアクアよ。 ニフル王国の衣装を着てみたの。 ★
…あ…ごめんなさい。ちゃんと驚いてあげられなくて… ★
ニフル王国にはどんな歌があるのかしら。歌ってみたいわ。 ★
氷の王国…一面の銀世界は、きっと綺麗なんでしょうね。 ★
フィヨルム王女には兄妹がたくさんいて、私とカムイみたいだわ。 ★
服装に大した意味なんてないけれど…あなたが喜んでくれるなら… ★
また新たな気持ちで、あなたの傍にいられる…それが嬉しいの。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
A brilliant thought.
I wonder...
Without question.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Azura: Lady of the Lake has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

In the future...someone I know will
face a terrible choice, one much more
difficult than you face now.

Either way they turn, people will die—
people they care about.

To stand at a crossroads like that
must feel like your body is being torn

In the future, the choice has been
made. They chose their path, and
they accepted responsibility for it.

Azura: Lady of the Lake,
Before We Met.../Story