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Ready for a dip in a hot spring? Come with me! Don't be shy!

あら…一緒に温泉に入りたいのね? それじゃ、背中を流してあげようかしら。 それとも…


Bathing together in the nude gets people to open up... It's just one benefit of visiting a hot spring.

裸のつきあいで深まる絆… 温泉にはいろいろな効能があるものね。

I've always loved hot springs. Bathing between battles is a habit of mine!

もともと温泉は大好きなの。 戦いの合間を見ては いつもお湯に入っていたのよ。

If you let the chill seep in, you won't be as effective on the battlefield. You should hop into a spring—right away!

身体が冷えたら いつもの実力は発揮できないわ。 あなたもお湯に浸かればいいのに。

I think my attire has you flustered! You're so cute when you're embarrassed.

目のやり場に困る? ふふ…困ってるあなたの顔も なかなか魅力的よ。

My skin is so smooth...probably because of the hot spring. Come and look! I won't bite.

温泉の効能かしら。 こんなに肌が滑らかになるなんて… ほら、もっとよく見ていいのよ?

Friend greeting

You should come and visit 【Friend】's castle. There's a great hot spring there!

このような格好で失礼するわ。 【Friend】の城には いい温泉が沸いているわよ。

Leveling up

+[4,5] points

The water's just perfect...and so's my skin now.

いい湯加減… 肌がすっかり潤っちゃったわ。

+[2,3] points

I'm just getting warmed up!

悪くないわ… 身体が温まってきたみたい。

+[0,1] points

I'm feeling a bit...woozy. I think I soaked for a little too long...


Ally Growth

I'm bursting with health! I can feel it...

ふふっ… 身体が喜んでいるのがわかるわ。

5★ LV. 40 conversation

That bath was so rejuvenating... I feel completely refreshed, body and soul.
Just as you'd care for your weapons, you need to make sure to care for your body, too.
Do you know who I met in the bath? A Hoshidan princess! She was shocked to see me there.
What an adorable little voice she had! You know, next time I'll invite Corrin and Elise along.
I get the feeling you're hoping for an invitation, too. I'll think about it! Hee-hee.

ふふ…とてもいいお湯だったわ。 身体だけじゃなく 心もリフレッシュできたみたい。
武器に手入れが必要なように 身体も労ることが必要。 つねに最高の状態に保ちたいものね。
そういえば、温泉のなかで出会った 白夜の王女…あのときの 彼女の驚きようったらなかったわ。
あんなに可愛い声を出すなんてね… 今度はカムイやエリーゼも 誘いたいわね。
もしかして…あなたも一緒に入りたいの? そうね…ふふっ、考えておくわ。


Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription


Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Special trigger

Audio Transcription
Time for a dip!
The water's fine!
Take a look!
No peeking!
Audio Transcription


Audio Transcription
The water's...gotten chilly...
Audio Transcription

Status page

Audio Transcription Rarity
Join me for a dip in the hot spring? ★
Don't be in such a rush. Take a moment to relax and enjoy yourself. ★
This hot spring has me all heated up... ★
Nothing beats a cold drink after a hot dip. ★
Ohh, is it the hot water that's making you blush? ★
Ahhh... Hot springs feel so...wonderful... ★
Be a dear and...pass me a fresh towel? ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふぅん… ★
ふふ…私とお風呂に入りたいの? ★
きゃっ。んもう…強引ね… ★
温泉で顔が火照っちゃったみたい… ★
湯あがりには冷たい飲み物がいいわね。 ★
あら、恥ずかしがることないのよ? ★
温泉は…とっても気持ちが良いわ… ★
私の背中を、流してくれるかしら…? ★

Turn action

Audio Transcription
Ahh, lovely!
How's the water?
To the hot spring!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Camilla: Steamy Secrets has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Adorable! Hee-hee.

Camilla: Steamy Secrets,
Heating Things Up/Story