Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Charlotte. Everyone says I'm just a sweet, gentle little thing, so please watch over me. Tee-hee!

テヘヘ…私、シャーロッテです。 不束者ですがよろしくお願いしますね。 花嫁姿って、キュンときませんかぁ?

Castle[ | ]

When I get married, I will never fail to provide a delicious, homemade meal for my husband each and every day!
Nothing? OK, I'll need to say that again. Louder.

私ぃ、結婚したら旦那様に毎日必ず おいしい料理を作ってあげるんですぅ。 …念のため大きい声でもう一度言いますね。

Why am I in this gown? Like I know! I was daydreaming about marrying someone rich...
All of a sudden, you summoned me... And here I am, dressed like this!

なんで花嫁姿なのかって…知らないわよ。 玉の輿の妄想をしてたら呼び出されて、 突如この格好になってたんだっつーの!

Are you tiptoeing around me just because I'm wearing this dress? Put me on the front lines!

あんたさぁ、私に気を遣ってない? ドレスだからって遠慮は要らないわよ。 じゃんじゃん闘わせてくれればいいわ。

You know what will set off this dress? Flowers. Lots of flowers. Let's go find a field, 【Summoner】!

あっ、【Summoner】さん! 私とお花畑に行きませんかぁ? ほら、ドレスにはやっぱりお花でしょう?

While I'm all dressed up, I had better attract the attention of a wealthy gentleman... Oopsie! I tripped!

折角こんなおいしい格好してんだもの、 今のうちに殿方を引きつけないとね。 いやぁ~ん。つまづいちゃいましたぁ~!

Friend greeting[ | ]

Well, hello there! Are there any eligible men around here you might introduce me to? Thanks.
This dress? Oh, I'm not married...yet.

挨拶を届けに参りましたぁ~。 こう見えてまだ嫁入り前なんですよぉ、 いい殿方がいたら紹介してくださぁい。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Oh, prince I have yet to meet... I'm getting better every day!

まだ見ぬ未婚の王子様… 花嫁修業はバッチリですよぉ☆

+[2,3] points[ | ]

I'll be ready for marriage... Whenever it strikes.

これでいつでも お嫁さんに行けますねっ。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

If I keep this up, I'll be the last to wed!

やばい! こんなんじゃ 嫁に行き遅れるっつーの!

Ally Growth[ | ]

At this rate... I'll make a beautiful bride. Thanks!

綺麗にしてくれてありがと。 花嫁の美しさに磨きがかかったわ。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Are you going to summon a Hero? Oh, please! Let me come too! C'mon, 【Summoner】!
Picture this: Someone tall and handsome, strong yet gentle, VERY rich...and single. My destined one!
WHAT? It doesn't work that way? What is that thing even good for, then? Never mind.
But even without a man like that, I do have a friend in you, don't I? Love fades, but friendship is forever.
In other words...for now, you'll do.
Enough talk! It's time for action. Make way for the Bride of the Battlefield!

あ、【Summoner】さぁん! 今日も召喚に行かれたんですか? きゃっ、シャーロッテ待ってたんですぅ。
かっこよくて背が高くて強くて優しくて、 とーってもお金持ちの私の運命の人… そろそろ召喚できそうですかぁ~?
…はあ!? そういうのは無理!? な、なによそれ! 私の玉の輿がぁーー! ま、でも…いいわ。運命の人はいなくても、
あんたみたいないい友達ができたし。 愛情は一瞬でも、友情は一生だものね。 私の隣を一緒に歩く人はしばらくの間…
あんたで我慢してあげるわ。 さ、じゃあ今日も一緒に戦場に繰り出すわよ! 戦場の花嫁って、モテそうじゃなぁい?

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Money, money!
Till death do us part!
Bridal strike!
Piece of cake!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Oh, darn.
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Teehee ★
I must confess: this dress is the best! ★
What? Did you say I look pretty? Please, stop! ★
I'm sure you'd like to know who the lucky fellow is. Doesn't everybody? ★
This dress is the worst! I can't move. I can't breathe! OH! Never mind. ★
This spoon is as big as my love. I know. Amazing. ★
I look good—real good! So where are all the rich princes already?! ★
I think I'm a pretty good proposition. But you... You're real marriage material. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
えへへ… ★
このドレス、可愛いですかぁ? ★
そんな、綺麗だなんて本当のこと言わないでくださぁい ★
結婚相手ですかぁ? テヘヘ…それは内緒ですぅ ★
ちっ…ドレスだと動きにくいな…はっ、なんでもありませぇん☆ ★
このスプーンは私の愛の大きさよ。すごいでしょ? ★
あーあ、この姿に惚れた王子様が大挙して押し寄せてこないかしら ★
あたし、今までいろんな人を見てきたけど… あんたみたいな人と結婚できたら、相手は幸せだと思うわ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
It's my time!
What bliss!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Charlotte: Money Maiden has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote


Er, I mean... Thank you so much!

By the way... How many ceremonies
have you been to today? Seems like
a lot...

There's a rumor going around that
you're good luck for love with how
many ceremonies you've overseen!

And now that I've got a flower you
were wearing... Heh heh hehhh...
I'm going to find myself a rich man!

Charlotte: Money Maiden,