Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Defending Ylisse
Forging Bonds Defending Ylisse
Event Characters Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC Libra Fetching Friar Face FC
Bonus Accessories Accessory Seashell HairpinFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Feh DollFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Spring Bunny HatFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Mysterious MaskFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Dancers MaskFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Flower Fortune PinFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Damsels RibbonFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Priests MiterFrame 1Pane 1
Start time
End time
Rejecting Destiny

Availability[ | ]

This event was made available:

  • (Notification)

Rewards[ | ]

For a list of general Forging Bonds rewards, see Forging Bonds.
Red FriendshipOrange FriendshipGreen FriendshipBlue Friendship
10Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC Olivia's C Conversation10Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC Sumia's C Conversation10Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC Maribelle's C Conversation10Libra Fetching Friar Face FC Libra's C Conversation
25Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 50
50Hero Feather 20050Hero Feather 20050Hero Feather 20050Hero Feather 200
75Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 50
100Accessory Dancers MaskFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Flower Fortune PinFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Damsels RibbonFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Priests MiterFrame 1Pane 1
150Verdant Badge 50150Verdant Badge 50150Verdant Badge 50150Verdant Badge 50
200Hero Feather 200200Hero Feather 200200Hero Feather 200200Hero Feather 200
250Transparent Badge 50250Transparent Badge 50250Transparent Badge 50250Transparent Badge 50
300Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC Olivia's B Conversation300Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC Sumia's B Conversation300Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC Maribelle's B Conversation300Libra Fetching Friar Face FC Libra's B Conversation
350Great Scarlet Badge 50350Great Scarlet Badge 50350Great Scarlet Badge 50350Great Scarlet Badge 50
400Hero Feather 200400Hero Feather 200400Hero Feather 200400Hero Feather 200
450Great Azure Badge 50450Great Azure Badge 50450Great Azure Badge 50450Great Azure Badge 50
500Hero Feather 200500Hero Feather 200500Hero Feather 200500Hero Feather 200
600Great Verdant Badge 50600Great Verdant Badge 50600Great Verdant Badge 50600Great Verdant Badge 50
700Great Transparent Badge 50700Great Transparent Badge 50700Great Transparent Badge 50700Great Transparent Badge 50
800Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC Olivia's A Conversation800Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC Sumia's A Conversation800Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC Maribelle's A Conversation800Libra Fetching Friar Face FC Libra's A Conversation
900Hero Feather 200900Hero Feather 200900Hero Feather 200900Hero Feather 200
1,000Hero Feather 2001,000Hero Feather 2001,000Hero Feather 2001,000Hero Feather 200
1,100Hero Feather 2001,100Hero Feather 2001,100Hero Feather 2001,100Hero Feather 200
1,200Divine Dew 51,200Divine Dew 51,200Divine Dew 51,200Divine Dew 5
1,300Hero Feather 2001,300Hero Feather 2001,300Hero Feather 2001,300Hero Feather 200
1,400Hero Feather 2001,400Hero Feather 2001,400Hero Feather 2001,400Hero Feather 200
1,500Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC Olivia's S Conversation1,500Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC Sumia's S Conversation1,500Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC Maribelle's S Conversation1,500Libra Fetching Friar Face FC Libra's S Conversation
1,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 300
1,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 300
2,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 300
2,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 300
2,500Accessory Dancers Mask EXFrame 1Pane 12,500Accessory Flower Fortune Pin EXFrame 1Pane 12,500Accessory Damsels Ribbon EXFrame 1Pane 12,500Accessory Priests Miter EXFrame 1Pane 1
2,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 300
3,000Hero Feather 5003,000Hero Feather 5003,000Hero Feather 5003,000Hero Feather 500
3,250Hero Feather 3003,250Hero Feather 3003,250Hero Feather 3003,250Hero Feather 300
3,500Orb 13,500Orb 13,500Orb 13,500Orb 1

Special conversations[ | ]

Defending Ylisse[ | ]

Defending Ylisse - Opening

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

Are you certain, Sumia?! Unknown
forces have set fire to a village and
are marching to this tower next?!


Yes! I can see it clearly from atop my
pegasus. They're heading this way

は、はいっ! 上空から見て、

Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

Oh no... We're about to face another
battle, aren't we?

そんな...! また戦いが

Judging by the direction they're
heading... Do you suppose their goal
is the village near this tower?

I shall not allow them to do as they
please within the borders of Ylisse.
We must intercept them at once.



Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC
Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC

But their numbers are far greater
than ours. If we face them head-on...


You'll be just fine... Because we're
here to lend a hand!


Anna Commander Face FC
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

Huh? Who are you?


We are the Order of Heroes, of Askr.


Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Like the enemies who march this
way, we come from... Well, we're
from another world. It's a long story.


If you're here to help, it matters not
where you're from. We thank you for
your aid.


Libra Fetching Friar Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

Just leave it to us. Our numbers may
be few, but we pack a punch! Not to
mention our legendary Summoner.

You can count on us!

任せておいて! 私たちは少数精鋭、

I sent a request for reinforcements to
Lord Chrom back in the capital.

With our current strength, I'm afraid
Sumia is correct... If we attack
head-on, we'll be crushed.

Therefore, we must focus our efforts
on evacuating the villagers.

We must buy as much time as
possible while we wait for




Libra Fetching Friar Face FC
Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC

I agree. Furthermore, I am certain we
will be able to buy the time required.


If it will help protect the people of
this village, then I'll... I'll do what I


Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

Defending Ylisse - C

Background image: 002_ForestNight
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

Does everyone understand our
orders? Our objective is to repel the
enemy. If they retreat, do not pursue.

But if things continue as they are, we
may well be able to push the enemy
back even farther. No?

Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC
Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC

We have some very capable backup
now, so that may be plausible.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We
need to wait for Alfonse and Sharena
to return with their scouting report.

Anna Commander Face FC
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

What is the enemy after exactly?
The way they're burning the village
as they attack... It's horrible.

Could it be some grievance with

Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC
Anna Commander Face Pain

I'm afraid I can't say... I don't know
their affiliation or their ultimate goal.

What I do know is that they appeared
suddenly and without warning from
another world...

and began laying ruin to the people
they happened upon.

It's all so terrible...

Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain

Commander Anna! We've got trouble!

The enemies we thought defeated
have somehow recovered and
recommenced their attack!

They may have cast some type of
magic upon themselves before
coming to this world.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Anger
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

The defeated soldiers...have
recovered? Could they be some
manner of Risen soldiers?

Be careful, everyone... It looks like
the real fight is about to begin!

Anna Commander Face Anger

Defending Ylisse - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC

Has anyone sustained any injuries? If
your wound is too deep for traditional
medicine, please see me for healing.

This is bad... We're winning the
battles, but our line of defense is
still being pushed toward the village.

Anna Commander Face Pain
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC


Your precise orders all but ensure
our survival, but we need to make up
for this discrepancy in strength.

If we can't, the village will fall before
the capitol's reinforcements get here.

Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC
Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC

We are all the villagers have to rely
on. Victory will not come easy... But if
we work together, we can do it!

This is not the time for one of your
flower fortunes, Sumia.

Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC
Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC

It's not a flower fortune! Chrom has
always counted on our ability to work
as a team.

He relies on us to combine our
strength and win the day.

And we always do... That settles it. I
shall allow these lawless thugs to do
as they please no longer.

Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Let's do everything we can! If we give
it our all, I'm sure we'll emerge

This is the turning point, everyone.
Let's hold them off until
reinforcements arrive!

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Anger
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

Y-yes... Let's go!

Defending Ylisse - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain

Alfonse! Commander Anna! The
enemy is approaching the edge of the

Evacuation is still underway... Will the
reinforcements make it in time?

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain
Anna Commander Face Pain

We need to hold out just a little
longer... If we don't buy more time,
the villagers are done for!

We're doing everything we can, but...
there's something more only I can

Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

Wait, Olivia! What's gotten into you?!
Get back here! You're being reckless!

We need to buy more time, right?
Oh, this is going to be so
embarrassing, but... Watch me dance!

Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC
Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC
Maribelleマリアベル the world? Olivia has just
started dancing...right in front of the
enemy army?!

That's... That's...such a lovely dance!
Isn't it simply captivating?

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

We aren't the only ones captivated by
it... The enemy soldiers have come to
a complete standstill!

They can't take their eyes off her!

Is it just me, or do they look more...
confused than captivated?

It's like they don't know what to
make of such a strange tactic.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain

Regardless, the enemy has halted
their advance!

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

Olivia, you... Right. Now is the time.
Everyone, continue evacuating the

Look! Up in the sky to the west!
The reinforcements are here!

Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

Oh, thank goodness! Now we can
save the rest of the villagers!

Excellent work, Olivia. One wrong
step and you would have been a
prime target for the enemy archers.

Your newfound bravery is most

Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

Phew... The evacuation is complete.
Let's join up with the reinforcements
and send the enemy packing!

Olivia: Sky-High Dancer[ | ]

Olivia: Sky-High Dancer - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

You never cease to impress me,

You're always so confident in battle,
the way you know just what orders to
issue. You never miss a beat!

Even outside of battle, everyone
looks up to you. You always know
just what to say to rally the troops.

I've always been shy, so I really
admire people with your confidence...

And I...I think that I want to become
someone as confident as you. But for
some's just so hard!

Oh, I'm sorry to bring this up out of
nowhere. Please, just forget I said

I-I'll do my best in the next battle. I

Olivia: Sky-High Dancer - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

I'm a...whole different person when I
dance? What do you mean?

Oh, you've been watching me
dance?! H-how embarrassing! I don't
like being watched. It's so... Oh...

But perhaps your observation does
ring an extent...

When I dance, I do feel like another
version of myself. Like it brings out
the best in me.

I'm obviously not the most confident
member of this army, and I'm
especially shy around strangers...

But the moment I take my first dance
step, I feel like I become the heroine
of my own fairy tale!

Oh, but don't get me wrong. It's just
a feeling! A small feeling... I know I'm
not a real heroine or anything.

Oh, please just forget I ever said
anything. OK? How embarrassing...

Olivia: Sky-High Dancer - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

You're always so relaxed off the
battlefield, 【Summoner】.

You're so serious in the midst of
combat yet so approachable when
things are calm.

I wonder... Just which version of
【Summoner】 is really you?

Hehe, I'm only kidding... But I do
wonder how you can issue
commands with such confidence.

Is it because you know everyone's
lives are on the line? So you simply
must be confident...for our sake!

Oh? That's not it? Then it must be a
strong sense of duty that allows you
to act so boldly.

The confidence I see in you every perhaps the same confidence
I've always wanted for myself.

I want to learn more about how you
can do the things you that I
might one day become just as strong.

Olivia: Sky-High Dancer - S

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Olivia Sky-High Dancer Face FC

I've been watching you lately,
【Summoner】. And I've
come to realize something...

I don't need endless confidence like
you have. Because as long as I can do
what needs to be done...

Well, then that's enough, right? And
that's confidence in its own way.

I may be awfully shy, but I've been
dancing since I was just a little girl.

There's no dancer more confident in
their abilities than me! And yet...I get
so embarrassed when people watch.

But at the same time, I'll never hold
back if an audience cheers me on!

I guess what I'm trying to say is...
just as you lead us in battle so
confidently, I'll dance just as well.

I may never truly get over being so
shy, but with you watching over me,
I'll be able to dance my very best.

Thank you for helping me find the
strength to match your own,

Sumia: Maid of Flowers[ | ]

Sumia: Maid of Flowers - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC

Oh no, it happened again... How do I
manage to lose such essential
equipment mid-inspection?

Oh, umm... Did you...happen to see
that? I really wish you hadn't,

Sometimes it feels like I fail at almost
everything I try. Even basic tasks are
often beyond my grasp.

And when I do succeed... Well...

I longed to be a pegasus knight, but I
had no pegasus of my own. Until one
day, I just happened to find her...

And just like that, I was able to fulfill
my dream. So sometimes I feel like I
only succeed because I'm lucky.

Though, I know I can't always rely on
being lucky. If I don't try my very
best, then... Then...

W-well, anyway... I'll go look for the
equipment I lost. I need to hurry
before the next battle!









Sumia: Maid of Flowers - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC

Oh, 【Summoner】!

Thank you for your help earlier. For,
um...helping me track down that lost

Who knows what would have
happened had you not been passing

Just another lucky coincidence, huh?
Hehe, I'd better thank the gods of

Coincidences like that really make me
wonder sometimes...

Such simple happenstance can lead
to drastic changes in the course of
one's life.

Like when I met my pegasus... If we
had never met, I may not even be
here right now.

Which means I would never have met
you or the Order of Heroes. That one
chance encounter changed my fate.

It's awfully strange to think about
such trivial things on such a grand
scale, don't you think?

Sumia: Maid of Flowers - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC

I've been thinking,

Even if an opportunity should appear
as a matter of coincidence, it's still up
to me to make an effort to grasp it.

Before meeting my pegasus, I had
trouble simply taking care of myself.

However, once I became a pegasus
knight, I found myself working much
harder for her sake.

I want to give strength to the people
around me, and I think...that my
strength comes from that desire...

My desire to grow stronger for the
sake of others was one such
opportunity I grasped.

An opportunity presented to me by
the sheer happenstance of meeting

I don't know if I can make the very
most of all the chances presented to
me, but...

I think that if I just continue to put all
my effort into them...I might be able
to come close.

Sumia: Maid of Flowers - S

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Sumia Maid of Flowers Face FC

Do you ever get the feeling that you
would like to fight for someone else's
sake, 【Summoner】?

It's something I feel often... I want to
fight and become stronger for the
sake of those most important to me.

So you do feel the same way? I
thought you might... I can tell by the
look in your eyes!

Why do I fight? Why am I trying to get
stronger? Everyone asks themselves
these questions at some point...

But to give someone else strength by
fighting for them?

Well, that thought allows me to keep
moving forward without questioning
myself any further.

I feel like you and I think an awful lot
alike, 【Summoner】...

So let's continue to do the best we
can, all right? Oh, I saw this in the last
flower fortune I did, too!

It said that you and I are highly
compatible. So I look forward to
speaking with you more!

Maribelle: Dire Damsel[ | ]

Maribelle: Dire Damsel - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC

I will simply not allow it! To march so
brazenly into the land of Ylisse is the
absolute height of inelegance!

I care not that they're invaders from
another world...

Just that they get the thrashing they
deserve as recompense for this

They must think it their right to
trample the weak and ruin what's
already a mundane existence...

And all in the name of some petty
ambition! The nerve. I simply shall not
forgive this gaggle of lowborn fools.

Anyone who relies on such barbarism
to thrive is naught but a boorish oaf
who must be punished.

There is no reason for us to hold
anything back against such rabble
abusing their power.

They must come to know their sins
so that they might take a hard look at
how to properly live their lives!

I shall rattle my parasol at them in
utmost disapproval. And if they still
refuse the message...

Then a sound trouncing is in order.
Now, let us move out at once!

Maribelle: Dire Damsel - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC

In my former years, I believed that
strength alone was required to
subdue violence and protect people.

That is why I began training. I wished
to aid Lissa and Chrom in service to
the Shepherds.

However...without heart to back
your strength, it will be indiscernible
from common violence.

Gaining strength and waving a
weapon about in order to protect the
weak is an art in itself.

But what one truly needs to learn is
compassion, affection, consideration,
the willingness to become a shield.

Every day I spend training sees this
resolve instilled anew within me.

And so I say to you...put a staff in
my hand rather than a blade.

Healing the wounded is as much a
part of battle as felling your foes.

Mending a wound has the power to
protect just as well as the act of
inflicting one.

Maribelle: Dire Damsel - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC

The orders you issued in the most
recent battle were simply brilliant,

You are truly the— Ahem... As they
say, the "real deal" when it comes to

You may not charge the front line,
weapon held overhead, but your wits
are as sharp as any blade.

In fact, I see something of myself in
you. I don't rush forward to strike
with weapons or magic either.

But healing the injured and
supporting my allies are just as
vital to any battle.

Your intellect and my staff... They're
quite different tools, but I believe
they serve similar functions.

We put them both to work in order to
protect our allies, after all.

I pride myself on supporting those
important to me. And I'm sure you
feel the same.

When I see that relieved look upon
your face, I know that everyone has
made it back safely.

Yes, I've come to understand you
quite well!

Maribelle: Dire Damsel - S

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC

It seems as though this fight's
ultimate conclusion is upon us. But
you needn't worry.

I trust fully in your exceptional
intellect, 【Summoner】.

My goal has always been to protect
my allies and to heal their wounds. I
will not allow anyone to fall.

Not Lissa, nor Chrom, nor you.

My dream for when all the fighting
has ended is to become a magistrate
who helps all manner of people.

I want to help nobles and commoners
alike settle their grievances.

However, in order to achieve this
dream, we must first overcome the
obstacles before us here.

If I'm with you, I am certain that we
can make my dream come true.

But I do hope you'll continue to lend
me your strength for the challenges
that lie beyond this fight as well!

Libra: Fetching Friar[ | ]

Libra: Fetching Friar - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC


Allow me to offer you some words of
gratitude, if I may.

If you had not come to help us, our
defensive line would surely have
been crushed, along with the village.

Truly. Thank you for your help.

That said, however... We stand on the
precipice of a most violent war.

Harming and plundering the innocent
is against the will of the gods, and

Even when fighting in the name of
peace, war leads to suffering that
reaches far beyond the battlefield.

Friend and foe alike, willing to lay
down their lives... And friend and foe
alike, some will be lost.

Everyone who falls to battle leaves a
family behind. And that sort of loss,
that sadness, casts a long shadow.

There are victims on all sides of war...
Each life taken claimed as payment
for victory.

We must never forget those who paid
that price for us.

Libra: Fetching Friar - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

So this is where you've been hiding
yourself, 【Summoner】.

Thanks to the precision of your
commands, we made it through yet
another battle without casualties.

This may not seem the most sensible
comment from one who spends his
days discerning friend from foe, but...

I would like to reach out to those who
call themselves our enemies. I wish to
lend a helping hand to the wounded.

I will not stand for the invasion of this
country, nor will I allow innocents to
come to harm through any means.

However, those who admit their own
wrongdoing should be offered a path
back to the light.

I believe that those who have been
defeated are in the most dire need of
our compassion.

Victory may taste sweet to the victor,
but we mustn't give up on those we
had no choice but to defeat.

Libra: Fetching Friar - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

Would you mind if I spoke with you
about something that happened long
ago, 【Summoner】?

There was a time when I lost sight of
what I believed in. I wanted to crush
everything in the world.

Until just yesterday, this lapse of faith
had brought me shame... But now it
brings me purpose.

It had snatched the light from around
me, and I felt as if I'd been dropped
at the bottom of the blackest hole.

Even my own future was shrouded in

However, I soon met those with such
a depth of compassion...

They reached out to me and helped
me reclaim my faith in this world.

Yes, even a faithless wretch such as I
once was, plunged so deeply into the
darkness, can walk back into the light.

All it takes is the warmth of an open
hand. If one can believe in the
strength of an open heart...

then one can reclaim their lost hope.

And now I believe it is my turn to
help those who have strayed from
the path, just as I was helped.

If there is even a small chance to save
someone simply by not discriminating
friend from foe...

then I will not give up on them.

Libra: Fetching Friar - S

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

To save all, friend and foe alike,
without discrimination...

To truly achieve this goal, perhaps all
fighting in the world would have to

Of course, I am painfully aware of
how outlandish a goal that is.

And yet, when I am with you, I feel as
though it may not be quite so

Every day you put forth great effort
not only to end battles but to do so
with as few casualties as possible.

When I see that side of you, it
reinforces my own resolve to
stay the course toward my dream.

I may be alone in thinking this, but...
you and I may be headed in the
same direction.

If indeed we are, then let us walk
together. One step at a time, no
matter how many steps it may take.

Until such a day that our wishes are

L & E: Bound Hero Battle
Walhart: The Conqueror

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese イーリス防衛戦
German Verteidigung Ylisses
Spanish (Europe) La defensa de Ylisse
Spanish (Latin America) La defensa de Ylisse
French Protéger Ylisse
Italian A difesa d'Ylisse
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 伊里斯防衛戰
Portuguese Defensores de Ylisse