Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

Hi, I'm Elise—a princess from the Kingdom of Nohr! I bet we're going to be the best of friends!

あたしはエリーゼ! 暗夜王国の王女だよーっ! あなたもあたしとお友達になってくれる?

Castle[ | ]

I like that Sharena—maybe because neither of us act like princesses. Oh! I hope she wouldn't be offended!

あたし、シャロンさんと気が合うんだ。 王女らしくないところが似てるのかも… って言ったら怒られちゃうかな?

My retainers are Effie and Arthur, two of the nicest retainers a girl could ever have. I'm so proud of them!

あたしの臣下はエルフィとハロルドだよ! 二人とも優しいし、頼もしくて大好き! あたしの自慢なんだー!

I'm impressed by how well you keep an eye on things here, 【Summoner】!
I'll help you with my staff if you ever get worn out!

あ、【Summoner】さんだー! いつも見回りお疲れさま。 疲れたらあたしの杖で癒してあげちゃうよ。

Let's sneak off sometime to explore the town! I used to do that all the time back home—but don't tell my brothers!

今度一緒に城下町に行きたいな! あたし、昔からよくお忍びで行ってて… …あ、今のはお兄ちゃんたちには内緒よ!

This realm has so many beautiful flowers! I'm going to pick all of them and pass them out to everybody!

見て見て、お花をいっぱい摘んできたの! この国は綺麗なお花がいっぱいね。 あとでみんなに配ってあげちゃおうっと!

Friend greeting[ | ]

I've come on an important errand from 【Friend】.
I'm here to deliver the happiest of hellos. So, here I am!

【Friend】さんから、 おつかい頼まれてきたんだよ! あなたに挨拶してきて欲しい、って!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Step back, world! This girl is on fire!

あたしに近づくと ケガしちゃうわよ?

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Yay! I'm such a good fighter now!

これでみんなの力に なれるかなぁ?

+[0,1] points[ | ]

All that hard work for this?! Boo.

えぇー!? あんなに頑張ったのにー!?

Ally Growth[ | ]

Yay! Now I'll sparkle even more!

えっと…ちょっとは 大人っぽくなった…かなあ?

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Yay! I always love it when you come chat with me, 【Summoner】!
I know how busy you are. Wait... Are you hurt? Even a little? Then I'll heal you up real fast!
Whew! There. I can't stand to see you hurt. It's like I'm hurt too. And you know why?
Sure you do. Because I love you bunches and bunches—more than anyone from any other world!
You were the first friend I made here. And you know what? That kind of friendship lasts forever!

【Summoner】さんだーっ! わーい、今日も会いに来てくれてうれしい! お仕事忙しいのに、本当にありがとー!
…あ、あれ!? 腕のところ怪我してるよ? もしかして戦闘で? た、たいへん! すぐに治してあげるからね…えいっ!
ふう、これで大丈夫だよ。 良かった…ちゃんと気づいてあげられて。 あなたが痛い思いしたら、あたしも辛いの。
だってあたし、あなたが大好きだから。 ここに来て…違う世界の新しいお友達は いっぱいできたけど、いちばんはあなた!
最初にお友達になってくれたあなたのこと、 あたしはだいだい、だーーーいすきなの! この気持ちは、ずーっと変わらないからね!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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No more holding back!
Aw, how dare you?
Leave everything to me!
Take your punishment!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Be at peace...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Eheehee ★
Go, team! ★
Glad to help! ★
I'm always up for a good game! ★
Nice that people like me are called Heroes here! We do our best! ★
I have so many older siblings in my family! ★
Where are Effie and Arthur? We always go exploring together! ★
Thanks for bringing me here. I really, really love it! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
えっへへー ★
一緒にがんばろーね! ★
あたしの杖、癒される? ★
ねえねえ、あたしと遊ぼうよ! ★
ここじゃあたしたち、英雄って呼ばれるんだね ★
あたしにはね、おにいちゃんとおねえちゃんがいっぱいいるの ★
エルフィ、ハロルド、どこー? 一緒に探検しに行こうよー! ★
ここに呼んでくれてありがとう! あたしね、あなたのことだーい好きだよ! ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Do my best!
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Sweet dreams!
Álfr attack!
What dream would you like?
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
It's past my bedtime...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Oh, I wish that I could use these wings to fly! ★
Peony is so pure hearted and sweet. I really like her. ★
Thanks for the outfit. I love it! ★
I've always believed that fairies were real, and now I'm an álfr! ★
My siblings really gushed over this outfit. They said it was cute beyond belief! ★
I dream that everyone will live in peace. One day. ★
I bet I could show you tons of good dreams if you let me try! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふっ ★
この羽根で、ほんとに空を飛べたらいいのになー ★
ピアニーさんって無邪気で楽しくって、すっごく気が合うの! ★
新しい服、ありがとー! すっごくうれしーな! ★
あたしは妖精さん、絶対いるって信じてるよ! ★
おにいちゃんやおねえちゃんにも褒められちゃった。可愛いって! ★
みんなでずっと仲良く暮らせる夢を…お願い…… ★
あなたと一緒に眠ったら、素敵な夢が見れそう! ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
This way?
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Elise: Budding Flower has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I can understand that. You got the
hang of it so quickly that it must be
frustrating to wait for us to catch up.

Elise: Budding Flower,
Peaceful Ends/Julia: Heart Usurped