Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
This page is about the Assist skill Future Vision. For the Tactics Drills map, see Future Vision (map).
Name Range Description SP Required
Future Vision 1 Unit and target ally swap spaces. Grants another action to unit. (Additional action granted once per turn only.) 400 Swap
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

* Unused restrictions: Cannot use: Staff

List of owners

UnitSkill chain
Lucina Future Fondness Face FC
Future Vision
Lucina Glorious Archer Face FC
Future Vision
Future Vision II

In other languages

Language Name
Japanese 未来を映す瞳
German Zukunftsvision
Spanish (Europe) Visión futura
Spanish (Latin America) Visión futura
French Vision du futur
Italian Premonizione
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 映照未來的眼眸
Portuguese Visão do futuro