Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Laevatein. I have come to swim with my sister. But...I must improve my swimming technique a bit first.

私はレーヴァテイン。 姉上と一緒に…泳ぎに来た。 泳ぎは、これから練習する。

Castle[ | ]

Laegjarn looks lovely in her swimsuit. She sparkles in the summer sun. I just want to watch her forever...

姉上の水着姿…とても素敵。 夏の太陽のようにキラキラしてて ずっと見ていたい…

I have trained with the sword. Swimming, though... You don't need to swim on the battlefield.

剣の練習はしてきたけど 泳ぎの練習は…あまりしなかった。 戦いに必要…なかったから。

I have never worn anything like this. Being so far from my sword, I feel like part of me is missing...

こんな水着を着るの…はじめて。 剣が近くにないのも… なんだか…心細い。

I saw someone buried up to their neck in the sand. I would like to try being buried, too.

【Summoner】、 砂浜で誰かが砂に埋まっていた。 私も…埋まってみたい。

I've seen others training by trying to smash watermelons... Such training is new to me. I must try it.

目隠しをしてスイカを割る… なるほど、それが南国の訓練。 私もやってみたい。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I am Laevatein. I'm on vacation, but... 【Friend】 says hello.

私はレーヴァテイン…今は休暇中。 【Friend】から 挨拶を頼まれた。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Summer is...the best season.


+[2,3] points[ | ]

All the sunlight blinded me a little, that's all. I' better next time.

ちょっと日射しが眩しかっただけ。 次は…もっと頑張る。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

I think I swallowed some sand...


Ally Growth[ | ]

Thank you. I will cherish this.

ありがとう。 これ…大事にする。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Have you been watching me swim, 【Summoner】?
I think I've gotten much better since I first started... Thank you for teaching me.
Now, if anything happens to my sister while she's out in the waves, I'll be able to help her.
Of course...I'd swim out to rescue you, too. You taught me to swim, after all.
Why don't we all go swimming together? All three of us. We can race to that island...

【Summoner】… 私の泳ぎ、見てた?
最初に比べて… ずいぶんと泳げるようになった。 お前が…教えてくれたから。
これで…海の上で 姉上になにかあっても 私が泳いで…助けに行ける。
もちろん…お前に何かがあっても 泳いで助けにいく。お前は… 私に泳ぎを教えてくれた恩人…
今度は…姉上も誘って一緒に泳ごう。 向こうに見える島まで… みんなで一緒に…競争したい。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I have no sword.
So...this is summer.
I will swim.
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
My sister, I'm sorry...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Hehe ★
I have come to swim with my sister. I am Laevatein. ★
Laegjarn said I should stretch? Then I will. ★
Summer is hot... Múspell is hotter. ★
I do not understand how to swim. Yet it seems simple. Do I just wave my limbs? ★
Listen to me now. If you touch my sister... I will cut you down. ★
My sister... At the beach, she looks so beautiful. ★
I'm swimming with Laegjarn. But you can come too... ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふっ ★
私はレーヴァテイン…姉上と、泳ぎに来た。 ★
きゃあっ!? え…泳ぐ前には、からだをうごかす…? ★
夏は暑い…でも、私たちのムスペルはもっと暑い。 ★
泳ぎ方は、よくわからない…手と足をばたばたすればいい? ★
言っとくけど…姉上に手を出したら、許さないから… ★
姉上は、海でもとてもきれい… ★
姉上と一緒に泳ぐ…でも、お前も一緒にいてもいい… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Teach me to swim.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Laevatein: Bonfire's Blaze has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

As you say, Sister...

Laevatein: Bonfire's Blaze,
Summer's Flame Sisters/Story