Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Lilina, daughter of Hector, the Marquess of Ostia. I'm still a student, but I can use fire magic fairly well!

わたしはオスティア侯ヘクトルの娘 リリーナよ。まだ勉強中だけど、 炎の魔道を使うことができるわ。

Castle[ | ]

It's hard to believe that in this world, I could meet my father...when he was around my age. Astonishing!

この世界でなら、若い頃の お父様とも会えるのね… なんだかとっても不思議な気分。

My friend Roy and I have known each other a long time. We once went to school together. He's so studious!

わたしとロイは幼馴染なの。 一緒に留学もしていたのよ。 ロイはとても勉強熱心だったわ。

Thank you for all that you do. I feel like we can accomplish just about anything with you around!

いつも本当にありがとう。 どんなに苦戦してても、あなたが いてくれるから大丈夫って思えるの。

The amazing Cecilia once said I have a natural talent for magic. To me, that meant I ought to work even harder!

天が与えた魔道の才がある、って セシリアさんに褒められたことがあるの。 だから、わたしもっとがんばらなくちゃ。

So, you've never studied magic, but you're a summoner with such great power? You must be a natural!

あなたは魔道を学んだことがないのに、 あんなすごい召喚ができたの? きっと、生まれつき魔道の才があったのね。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Greetings, 【Summoner】.
I've come today to say hello. And I hope that we will become great friends in time!

【Summoner】さん、 こんにちは。今日は挨拶に来たのよ。 これからも仲良くしましょう。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

How lovely! Now I can help everyone that much more!

うれしい! これなら みんなの役に立てるわ!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

A good day! But I must keep pushing myself.

ふふっ、調子良いみたい。 でも、もっとがんばるわ。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

I thought I was working hard enough. Troubling.

みんなのためにもっともっと がんばりたいのに…

Ally Growth[ | ]

I've gotten stronger! I hope it'd make my father proud.

お父様、見てますか…? わたしは強くなりました。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

There's someone in my life whom I dearly want to keep safe.
That is what has driven me to do my best in all things. But now I realize there's a limit to what I can do alone.
Watching you, always working with our allies, has shown me that. People flock to you!
And you're all the stronger for it. You seem to share that very quality with Roy...
So, I just wanted to say thank you. I hope I'll never lose your kind support. I know you'll never lose mine.

誰かを守りたい… ずっとそう想い続けていたはずなのに、 やっぱり一人だと限界があって…
でもあなたと一緒にいて、 仲間は共に守り合うからこそ、 強くなれるんだって知ったわ。
あなたもロイもすごいなって思うの。 人に好かれて…その中心に立って…
うん、ありがとう。 わたしもがんばる。 だから、応援してくれる?

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I mustn't fail!
I call upon fire!
The magic is within!
Oh, you... Enough!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Please win...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Uhuhu ★
OH! Ah, hello there, friend! ★
Oh, you...! You're such a curious one! ★
Shall we chat? Just for a while. I know you have plenty to do. ★
I must really apply myself to studying magic! ★
I admire your abilities with magic. Really and truly! ★
What I want most is for the children of all worlds to live in peace. Oh, and to laugh, of course! ★
I have a good feeling that you and I will be fast friends! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
うふふ ★
きゃっ!? びっくりしたわ ★
ふふっ、不思議な人 ★
ねえ、何か話して ★
魔道の勉強もがんばらなくちゃ ★
あなたも魔道が使えるの? ★
子供たちが笑って暮らせるように… ★
わたしたち、これからも一緒ね ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
All right.
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Aim well...
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
The power of flame!
I'll reduce you to ashes!
I'll protect you...
I will stop you!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Flickered out...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Sigh ★
I'm told these clothes come from Múspell, the kingdom of flame. ★
Eek! Goodness, don't surprise me like that... ★
My father has clothing from Múspell, too, so we match! ★
What kind of place is the kingdom of flame? It sounds terribly hot! ★
Thanks for the clothes. I love the feeling of trying on something new! ★
I can only imagine Roy's face when he sees me in this outfit. ★
When I think of you, it sets my heart aflame. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう ★
これは炎の王国ムスペルの服なんですって。 ★
きゃあっ! やだ、びっくりするじゃない。 ★
お父様もムスペルの衣装を持っているの。お揃いね。 ★
炎の王国ってどんなところかしら? とっても暑そう… ★
新しい服って新鮮な気分になれるから好きよ。どうもありがとう! ★
ロイに見せたら、どんな顔するかしら? ふふっ… ★
あなたのことを想うと、胸が熱くなるの。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
It's as you say.
We're going?
I'll break through.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Lilina: Delightful Noble has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

"Yes! You know the darkness better
than anyone. That means you know
the importance of the light."

"So cast off your darkness! Show your
light to the world! For everyone's
sake... Awaken!"

Lilina: Delightful Noble,
Peaceful Ends/Julia: Heart Usurped