Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Lon'qu, a swordsman from Regna Ferox. And...that's all there is to know about me.

…ロンクーだ。 フェリア国出身の剣士… それ以外に語ることはない。

Castle[ | ]

I hope to truly master the sword...but something might be throwing off my hand.
Maybe if I...steadied myself around women, that would do the trick.

女嫌いを克服できれば… より剣士としての高みに 辿り着けるのだがな…

Before becoming a Shepherd, I was right hand to Basilio, West-Khan of Regna Ferox.

俺は自警団に入るまでは フェリア国の西の王、 バジーリオの片腕として働いていた…

If you are too busy, I can patrol in your stead.

お前はいつも何かしているな… 見回りなら交代するぞ。

Would you care to spar? If you have no combat training, you could always throw rocks at me.

暇なら手合わせに付き合え。 なに? 戦えないから無理だと? では、石でも投げて応戦しろ…

I was just sharpening my sword. If it won't work when I need it, then that will be the end of me.

刃の手入れをしていた… 肝心な時に使えないようでは、 命取りになりかねんからな。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I think you're the one I was sent here to find. You know 【Friend】, yes?
I'm here to deliver a hello. Now that I have, I will leave.

【Friend】の友だな。 挨拶をしてこいと言われて来た。 用は済んだから、もう帰るぞ。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

This is only the start of what I can do.


+[2,3] points[ | ]



+[0,1] points[ | ]

The path to mastering the sword is a lonely one.


Ally Growth[ | ]

Being granted power instead of slowly earning it...isn't so bad.

与えられる力というのも… 悪くないものだな。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

You're here again. Why? What have I done to deserve this attention?
I have no wealth, no power. Nothing but my skills as a swordsman.
What? You value my presence? You find my help...reassuring?
No one has ever said that to me before, but I am glad my presence gives you strength.
Understood. I shall be your bodyguard, then.
I will stay by your side for as long as you want me.

今日も、傍にいるんだな。 お前はなぜ… そんなに俺に目をかける?
俺は何も持っていない。 富も権力も。 あるのは剣の腕だけだ。
なに? 俺といると、 心強いからだと…? なるほど、用心棒というわけか?
…いいだろう。 腕を買われることは悪くない。 それに…
お前はなんだか放っておけない。 望むなら、共にいてやる。 後悔はさせん。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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No hard feelings.
Be silent!
You're no challenge.
Give up.
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heh. ★
I, um, have trouble speaking to women. ★
Did you need something? ★
You're distracting me from my training. ★
Before coming here, I was the West-Khan's right-hand man... ★
Don't come to me for conversation. ★
The path to mastering the sword is a lonely one... ★
Why would you want to talk to me? ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ… ★
女は苦手だ… ★
何か用なのか…? ★
お、おい…気が散るだろう ★
ここに来る前は、王の右腕として働いていたこともある… ★
面白い話などできんぞ ★
剣の道は孤独だ… ★
俺をこんなに気にかけるなんて…お前は、変わったやつだな ★

Turn action[ | ]

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Let's go.
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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And so I close this gate.
Cease your struggling.
It ends now.
You chose the wrong opponent.
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Defeat[ | ]

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Not in a place like this...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
I'm wearing this simply because I was instructed to wear something new. ★
Don't approach me so casually. ★
The princess of Embla is of few words. I can relate. ★
Regardless of my change in garb, I do not wish to be stared at. So back off. ★
There are many more swordsmen here than before. I'm glad for the opportunity to hone my craft. ★
I used to think the path to mastering the sword is a lonely one. ★
Is this your way of being thoughtful? I appreciate it. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう… ★
新しい衣装を着ろと言われたので着ただけだ。 ★
!? …気安く触るな。 ★
エンブラの皇女は…無口だな。そこだけは親しみを感じる。 ★
服が変わったから何だと言うんだ? ジロジロ見られて落ち着かん… ★
ここにも随分剣士が増えた。腕を磨く機会が増えて有難い。 ★
剣の道は孤独…そう思っていたんだがな… ★
これもお前なりの気づかいなんだな。感謝している。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Leave it to me.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Lon'qu: Solitary Blade has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote


Lon'qu: Solitary Blade,
Thaw of Knowledge/Kagetsu: Onigiri Samurai