Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am trying to learn the deepest secrets of the dark arts. But if you must know...the name's Raigh.

…闇魔道の勉強で忙しいんだ。 オレのことはほっといてくれ。 オレの名前? …レイ。

Castle[ | ]

I will master the dark arts, even if I must destroy a world or three to do it. What? I'm being serious!

オレは闇魔道を極める… そのためなら、世界の一つや二つ、 いつだって滅ぼしてやるさ。

You can't do anything without power, including...protect those whom you must protect.
So that's why I must master the dark arts at any cost.

結局、力がなきゃ何もできやしない… 守りたいものを守ることも… だから、オレは闇魔道を極めるんだ。

I keep my distance because I need to. I've got a lot on my mind. And that means I need to be alone...a lot.

気安く話しかけるなよ。 …別にあんたが嫌いなんじゃない。 オレは独りになりたいんだ。

Not like I noticed...but you should rest sometimes. These patrols of yours are going to burn you out.
And then I'll have to do more work.

おい! …あんた、たまには休めよ。 …別にあんたには興味ないけど、 あんたが倒れたらオレも困るからさ…

Well, don't you have a spring in your step? I have to admit, I find that pretty...well, irritating.
But that's just me. You go right on ahead. Maybe it'll rub off.

あんたって、おめでたい奴だね。 …別に、気にしなくていいよ。 まあ、褒め言葉なんじゃないの。

Friend greeting[ | ]

It was a pain getting here, but I was told to stop by to say hello, 【Summoner】.

あんたが【Summoner】? 頼まれたから…面倒だけど 仕方なく挨拶に来てやった。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

With this kind of power, I can finally—! Hmm, never mind.

やった…! この力なら…!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

I must get stronger. I have to!

オレはもっと… 強くなるんだ…

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Blast! I need to do much better.

くそっ… こんなんじゃ…!

Ally Growth[ | ]

What use are thanks? Instead, I'll show you what power can do.

…あんたに礼は言わない。 そのかわり、強くなってやる。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Sheesh. You just can't help poking your nose in my business, can you? Well, fine.
Thing is, maybe since you did keep prodding me, I might have gotten better than I would have otherwise.
Hey, I said maybe. That's all.
I know you only spent time with me because you feel sorry for... well, whatever has me twisted up.
Right? You don't need to admit it. Besides, I'm the one who got the short end of the stick here.
Now that I'm stuck with you, I have one more person I need to look out for! So, uh, thanks.

ったく…あんたって人は 本当におせっかいだね。 ほっといてくれって言ってるのに…
まあ、おかげで オレがここまで成長できたことは… 感謝…してなくも…
…べ、別に、何でもない! 何も言ってないからな!
オレ、あんたみたいな奴は苦手なんだよ。 オレみたいなひねくれ者と付き合って、 余計な世話を焼いて…
いい迷惑だよ。 おかげで、オレが守らないといけない奴が 増えたじゃないか…

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Merciless massacre!
Behold, real power!
Darkness, serve me!
Pfft! How boring.
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Defeat[ | ]

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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heh. ★
What do you want? ★
Enough. You have my attention. ★
You push yourself way too hard. And for what? Other people? ★
I have to admit, I've never met someone...quite like you. ★
Don't tell anyone that I'm anything but...diabolical. ★
I must protect...what I must protect! ★
You think I'll help you? You are fooling yourself. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ ★
…何か用? ★
…うるさいな、聞こえてるよ ★
あんた、みんなのために無理しすぎ ★
あんたみたいな大人、はじめてだよ ★
俺が優しい? そ、そんなわけないだろっ ★
俺は俺の守りたいものを守る… ★
べ、べつにあんたのためじゃない ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
All right.
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Story appearances

In addition to the above, Raigh: Dark Child has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

They'll think it, huh? ...Fine, fine.
But for now I have to keep you
alive and well, as usual.

Raigh: Dark Child,
Lugh & Raigh: Bound Hero Battle