Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal


The name's Saber. I'm a mercenary. And as long as you're paying, I'm fighting.

セーバーだ。しがない傭兵さ。 あんたがどこの誰だろうと関係ねえ。 金さえもらえりゃなんでもやるぜ。


Huh? So you're saying I've been recruited into the..."Order of Heroes"?
No offense, but orders and heroes... Ain't really my thing.

要するに、俺は特務機関ってとこに 雇われちまったってことか? あーあ、性に合わねえなあ……

I was kicking around Novis Greatport, selling my sword, scraping by... Then that strange lass hired me.

俺はノーヴァの港で、その日暮らしの 傭兵稼業で食ってたんだ。 妙なお嬢ちゃんに雇われるまではな。

You've got another job? Ya know, working yourself to the bone never helped anyone.
Once you're back, I'll show you how to unwind for a change.

また任務かよ? 働いてばっかじゃいいことねえぞ。 今度、息抜きに遊んでやるよ。

Psst. Hey... Got any tips on where a fella can go for a good time? Slip me the info, will ya?

……おい、大きな声じゃ言えねえけどよ。 こう、ぱーっと遊べる場所知らねえか? 今度こっそり案内しろよ!

I was just cleaning my sword. It's how I earn a living, after all. Thing's a real beaut, don't you think?

剣を磨いてたのさ。 こいつが俺の商売道具だからな。 どうだ、きれいなもんだろ?

Friend greeting

I've greetings for ya from 【Friend】.
Hey, this place ain't half bad. Might have myself a look around before I head back...

【Friend】から伝言だ。 ほう、こっちの世界もなかなか…… 見物して帰るとするか。

Leveling up

+[4,5] points

Heh. Not bad, if I say so myself.

へえ…… われながら大したもんだな。

+[2,3] points

Am I sharp today, or what?


+[0,1] points

That...was unexpected.

おっと…… こいつは予想外だ。

Ally Growth

I'll pay you back by putting this skill to work.

俺なんかにそんなに期待するなって…… 柄にもなく、張り切っちまうだろ?

5★ LV. 40 conversation

Nice timing, 【Summoner】.
I was about to head into town for some fun, if you want to tag along.
Too busy, you say? There's more to life than work, you know. You never know which day could be your last.
So I say eat, drink, and be merry if you can! OK, OK! Uncross your arms and take that frown off your face.
Ugh, the toughest mercenary you ever met, trounced by a look... My reputation is ruined.
Ahh, no hard feelings. We're cool now, so it's fine. But let's hang out sometime soon, yeah?

おー、【Summoner】! いいところに来たな。これから町に 遊びにいくんだ。お前も付き合えよ。
遠慮するって……つまんねえ奴だな。 任務ばかりが人生じゃねえぞ? お互い、明日をも知れぬ身じゃねえか。
だからこそ美味いものを食って飲んで、 美しいものを愛でてだな…… ……わかったわかった。そんな顔すんな。
まったく、説教食らって引っ込むなんて 天下の傭兵セーバーさまの名が泣くぜ。 これが召喚師の力ってやつなのか?
でも悪い気はしねえな。 結構お前のこと、気に入ってんだよ。 これからも俺から目を離してくれるなよ?


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Special trigger

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You don't know when to quit!
You can't win!
Get a load of this!
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Botched it.
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Status page

Audio Transcription Rarity
Haha ★
Whoa, hey now. Messin' with me? ★
Hmm. Think twice before gettin' on my bad side. ★
Long as this stays lively, I don't give a damn about the details. ★
Lookin' for a good time here! C'mon! ...Anyone? Hello? ★
Piece of advice. Dealin' with a fancy lass is always a bad idea. ★
Everyone has a past. Remember that. ★
You ain't half-bad. Ha! Not half-good either. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ははっ ★
おいおい、ふざけてんのか? ★
まったく……大人をからかうなよ。 ★
今日が楽しけりゃ、それでいいのさ。 ★
どっかにいい女いねえかなあ。 ★
お嬢ちゃんの相手も疲れるんだぜ。 ★
誰にでも、過去ってもんがあるのさ。 ★
お前、おもしろいやつだなあ。気に入ったぜ。 ★

Turn action

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All right.
On it.
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Resplendent Hero


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Special trigger

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I'll squash you like a bug!
Nothin' but a stain on my boot!
It's your funeral, pal!
This'll send you flyin'!
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Gotta pull back...
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Status page

Audio Transcription Rarity
This outfit's from a place called Jötunheimr. Whaddaya think—am I doin' it justice? ★
Whoa! C'mon, there's gotta be something better you could be doin'... ★
What, are the jötnar ladies too strong for you? Sounds like quitter talk to me. I like all kindsa women. ★
Haven't worn something this fancy since... Huh. Pretty sure the last time was back in my Rigel days. ★
The lass sure liked seein' me in this getup... With all the different outfits she's got, guess I shoulda seen that coming. ★
Even a merc like me can look halfway presentable in duds like these, right? ★
Life is short, and these threads can't have been cheap. So how 'bout we get to work and I return the favor, yeah? ★
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ふっ ★
ヨトゥンとかいう国の服だとよ。似合うか? ★
うおっと…! 相変わらず、暇なのかよ? お前は。 ★
でっかい女? 好きだぜ。女は何でも好きだけどな。 ★
めかしこむなんていつぶりかねえ…。リゲルにいた頃以来か? ★
お嬢ちゃんがはしゃいじまってよ。自分は俺の何倍も衣装持ちのくせに。 ★
どうだ? こうして見ると俺だって捨てたもんじゃないだろ? ★
新しい服の分はきっちり働いてやるよ。 ★

Turn action

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Done thinkin'?
I'll crush 'em.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Saber: Driven Mercenary has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

We’re just trying to make sure they
can actually get out of all the holes
they’re digging for themselves.

We let them do their thing, we handle
what they leave behind, and
everybody’s happy.

It’s kind of what I’ve been doing ever
since I saved that lass back in Novis
Greatport anyway. I’m used to it.

Saber: Driven Mercenary,
Flow of Power/Gregor: Swell Sword